Eternal Gray is a death metal band from Israel. Their powerful, technical debut album was released last year and made them shortly well-known among the fans of quality music. They showed their ability to create original, characteristic music on the wide ranged field of death metal already with one album, but there are still difficulties left before their sophomore work will be released. I had the opportunity to interviw their guitarist Dory Bar-Or to find out more about the band and their life.
- Can you give us a brief history of Eternal Gray?
- Eternal Gray members first met as fill-ins in for the band Betrayer in which I already played, they were known from previous bands from north and central Israel, and were brought together to perform with lead vocalist Tomas Lindberg (former At The Gates) in the summer of 1999. Due to the success of this performance, we continued to play together keeping Betrayer alive and the music hard & heavy. A year passed, professional differences between some of the members grew, differences about what kind of metal we should play. Eventually the band separated in the summer of 2001, in a final farewell concert with Rotting Christ, a band with which we had previously played with in the winter of 1998. During this show, the separation of Betrayer announced, as was announced that the rest of the band will stay together as Eternal Gray. As Eternal Gray, we decided to record our debut album, in the best and most professional manner, so we flew to Sweden to record it at the renowned Abyss studios, with Tommy Tagtgren as our sound engineer.
- What does the band name, Eternal Gray mean? What did you want to express with it?
- The name Eternal Gray refers to our music. It is a combination of both our music and our lyrics - since our life bares an ever-pale shade, gray is the colour best describing our musical creation. Our world is extreme and Eternal Gray is the middle. We feel Gray; we play Gray and that is the point behind our music. As for example, "Inflicting Pain" (4th song on Kindless) is very dark and takes you into another world, somehow psychotic. Then again - "World of ice" (9th song) has much more aggressive and uncompromising feel in it, so that is the reason we chose the middle area.
- Taken from your homepage: "The title was chosen to describe the album, meaning two things: first "kind-less" as in not very kind (or simply brutal), and second was "kind-less" as a unique album which has no kind like itself." Is it true about the band as well..?
- I surely hope it is. Guess it is not for us to decide.. ha-ha
- Your debut album, Kindless got very positive reviews everywhere. Have you expected that when you worked on the album or was it rather a surprise to you?
- We only did what we think a good death metal should sound like and tried to combine different styles of metal in it. Our new material that we are currently working on is much aggressive, psychotic and Eternal Gray style, which we are uprooting in the band and hopefully the audiences.
We actually did not expect such a good vibe out of Kindless. Thank you all!
- Kindless is distributed by The End Records in the States. Do you know anything about the sale numbers?
- Tell you the truth; when you get on stage, watching the entire crowd and feeling that massive energy of people who just want to listen to what you have to say, you are not actually interested in how much CDs have sold. Of course, it is a big point of interest to us knowing it, but we rather looking at it in a "macro" point of view. We trust Raven Music and The End Rec. and we are sure that they do know what they are doing.
We are getting many feedbacks from almost all over the globe, not just the U.S or Israel. Feedback is an important tool for as.
- After such a strong debut, aren't you afraid of the expectations ppl may have to your next album?
- I believe that work is never done, as well as never enough. We really like working and writing new material all the time, as well as to prosper by knowing that people out there actually like us (there are Two or Three who does.. ha-ha ). That gives you the motivation and the power to work harder each time in order to release the best album you could at that time. That is exactly what we are working on as we speak. That leads me to the next Eternal Gray step, which is recording our second CD.
- Kindless was recorded at the Abyss studios with Tommy Tagtgren. Why did you want to record the album outside of Israel? Why did you choose Abyss and not some other studio?
- We needed to get away from everything and record in a "sterile" environment, we wanted our first album to be the very best in terms of sound, so the Abyss was not only our first pick but our first priority as well.
It was a great and very yielding an experience for us to record Kindless at the Abyss. We learned a lot even though we came well prepared. Tommy is a professional in his job; he is comfortable to work with, as he is listening and open-minded. I also think that's the main reason for that our sound is not "Abyss like". Unless Tommy and his attitude it would never be like it.
- Any memorable moment from Abyss, you could share with the readers?
Would you record your sophomore album there as well?
- The Abyss is a great place to hang in and record, as well as the environment around. Right now, we are in the middle of song writing process, and while building our material, we have the time to think which studio will be the best to achieve what we want, as every album is different and has another character.
The Abyss studio is definitely a place we are considering, however, we have a long way to go until decisions like that need to be taken.
- Schmier (Destruction) and Peter Tagtgren (Hypocrisy/Pain) did some guest vocals on Kindless. How did you meet them? Tomas Lindberg sang once with you, in the time of Betrayer. Have you thought about asking him to do some guest appearance on the album?
- Actually, Schmier and Peter's performance in the Kindless debut album was a coincidence. While recording our album Destruction were recording their album at Peter's studio, one night we were invited to party with them, we took that opportunity and invited them to come and listen to our album, They came and liked what they heard and we asked them to put their mark in, the rest you know...
Thomas with Betrayer was actually a gig here, that me and Yishay (Raven Music) arranged in order to make a dream come true; At The Gates show. Therefore, we (Betrayer) have practiced on few ATG songs and invited Lindberg here in Israel, to do the vocals. The entire thing with Schmier and Peter was unplanned so it just happened.We have not actually thought to invite anyone to do some guest appearance.
- Any plan to make a video clip to a song on Kindless?
- As for now we are thinking more for the next record, so I guess a video clip is in second priority. As far as we concern, while no one will pay the budget for it, we rather saving the money in order to add it to the record deal budget.
- What would you tell about Kindless and Eternal Gray to those who don't know the band at all?
- I guess one listen to Kindless would solve that issue, that way or another. I would say that nothing is too general for us. It does not matter what you do, what matters is how you do it. We are not trying to make something new; we took the elements that everybody already knows and combined it with our "Gray" feel.
- Choose a song from Kindless that shows the real face of Eternal Gray in your opinion and tell us why.
- I would point at "The Unbelievers Die" as that song contains almost all the elements of Eternal Gray. Heavy rhythms, some fast grinds, and some mid tempo. All of that combines together with the lyrics which tells you about a psycho lunatic man who is something like Jesus, but on the dark side.
- How does the songwriting process work at Eternal Gray?
- We usually start with the music. Each of us writes alone at home, which is good for us because metal is not exactly the "lets jam and see what happens" kind of music. Of course, we do that occasionally but most of the time, it does not work. Usually I write the music while imagining a big church (great reverb) and a bunch of I do not know whom praying there. While thinking of it, the pray percolates my mind and transferring into notes, than I am converting it into metal. Often I'm writing riffs that is fun to play, some fast, technical, etc...
Eyal is writing most of the lyrics and Roy is very thoughtful and kind concerning the blasts we are dropping on him. Usually it starts like: "Hey Roy, listen to a new part! (I'm playing, Roy's eyes starts falling, smiling miserably and saying: no, you can't do this to me!!") Nevertheless, he likes it and we try to play it. It is important to know yours and your colleague's abilities when you write. Another important thing; in order to prevent four minds arguing about the style, songs and structure, at Eternal Gray only one person says the last word in which is final. That is working for us pretty good.
- Which bands influenced the music of Eternal Gray?
- First, I can say that every one of us came to Eternal Gray with a different history in metal and music in general. Of course, we appreciate many bands and artists in the metal field and we try to combine what we like with what we are. I can take a wild guess and say that the situation in our region is quite "helpful" but then again, that is not our main issue at all.
Eternal Gray goes for the psychotic way and twisted mind that happened to be in everyone.
- What inspires your music?
- Life itself.
- What are the lyrics about? What inspires your lyrics?
- I guess it is reflecting us as we are. We did not tell something new to anybody, we are just reflecting our reality. Every one of us can interpret the lyrics to its own direction. After all, life is very complex and what are making life to be so, are us. The lyrics are both insane and real.
- I think we can't avoid the question since Israel is almost on the news everyday. How does the political situation and the terrorist attacks affect you, your music, your point of view on life?
If you had the opportunity to move out from Israel, would you go?
- First, in Israel you MUST do your army service. On the age of 18, you are called for duty and they put you in exams in order to define what are your qualifications and where you will fit the best. I served in the paratroopers unit, which you volunteer to, and do some tests before you are accepted. When serving your country while knowing that when you do that, your family can live peacefully without that fear of being killed, you actually starting to like it, even love it. I just know I was a fucking war machine when serving in Lebanon and fighting those Satan damned terrorists. Let me just add, that unlike some people love to think, the Israeli army is humanitarian. I ran into many battles and situations that it was so easy to loose your mind and kill, but the education, training, and professionalism that we learned in the army and back home, helped us to control ourselves there. When seeing your best friend taking a bullet, then a terrorist get to him and just shoot his head, then kick it to make sure he is dead, that kind of things makes you think.
Of course, it has changed my worldview and more than that, it has changed my life. I will never be the same again.
About living out of Israel, I think yes, not because of the reason that we do not like it here, but only because of seeing it as self-development.
- You've played with Rotting Christ twice, Tomas Lindberg sung with you, Peter Tagtgren and Schmier were guest vocalists on Kindless. Is there any other person/band you would like to work together?
- As for now, we are in a strong contact with a well-known person in the scene, which we are working with on the production of our next record. We will let it out soon.
- What is the musical background of the members (education, other bands, etc. )?
- As mentioned before, every one of us is heaving a long history in music.
Roy the drummer (17 year old!) has played with some cool bands here, yet not released anything. Gil the bassist as well, played Death Metal. Eyal the vocalist played with Godless, a technical Death Metal, which released two demos, and with Betrayer. He use to study the guitar, in classical and jazz style. I played with Impurity, Black Metal (in '92) and released one demo; with Betrayer, and with some other unknown bands. I was a student in a music college and left it after two year, when realized that it is not what I am looking for.
- How often do you have the opportunity to perform live in Israel? How big is your fan base at home?
- We get to perform once in two months on average base. Most of the time there are more then 350, 400 people in each gig though we had some with 150 or so.
- Have you ever played outside of Israel?
Not yet, but we want to and will do it someday when we get the right opportunity and time for it.
- Any tour is planned outside of your home country?
- After we will get our next record out, I guess we will start touring. In the mean time, we will join some band for a gig or two, not a whole tour.
- What are you doing beside the band? Do you have regular jobs or... ?
- Yes, we got a regular job (we need to cover up the expenses of the band). Personally I do not know many bands that have no regular jobs beside of the band, and that a crying a shame because if there is an ultimate music style, rich, varied, and strong - it is Metal music. It is only a matter of time until it will penetrate the knowledge of all.
- I'm sure you had dreams when you started to play music and I'm sure you still have dreams. How much these dreams have changed through the years?
- When you get to know the industry, how it works, when sometimes you are not valued because of your music, so it gets you on the ground. We had a hell of a time through those years and it is very tuff to find a record deal. Here you see Kindless, which got many good reviews in almost every known magazine in the world, yet we find it very hard to fine a record deal for the next one. We are currently looking for a record deal, and sooner the better, we do not like wasting our time. I am also sure that many people who read it now and have a band, know exactly what I am talking about.
What's the best thing about being a member of Eternal Gray?
- Self-improvement throughout the band and being a part of a machine that just keeps running forward.
- What are the actual happenings around Eternal Gray?
- Working full time on our new material, and finding a record deal!
- What is your schedule for 2003 like?
- Right now, we are scheduled for another two gigs in the next few months, later on we will open for a very familiar band that is coming here (which I can not tell right now, it is unpublished yet) and hopefully record the next album.
- Thanks for your time. Close as you wish....
- Let me just thank you all for taking that time and read the above, hope to know that my sayings will contribute somebody somehow. As long as we live, we will do our best to keep our way of life, continue playing Death Metal and provide the best for you all!
Keep supporting the scene and find the time to look up the local band in Israel, such as Salem, Sleepless, Arallu, and many more!
Currently we are preparing the material for our upcoming CD and looking for a record label, as we are free from any contract and management.
Contact us at:
And pay us a visit at:
On behalf of Eternal Gray!

- Can you give us a brief history of Eternal Gray?
- Eternal Gray members first met as fill-ins in for the band Betrayer in which I already played, they were known from previous bands from north and central Israel, and were brought together to perform with lead vocalist Tomas Lindberg (former At The Gates) in the summer of 1999. Due to the success of this performance, we continued to play together keeping Betrayer alive and the music hard & heavy. A year passed, professional differences between some of the members grew, differences about what kind of metal we should play. Eventually the band separated in the summer of 2001, in a final farewell concert with Rotting Christ, a band with which we had previously played with in the winter of 1998. During this show, the separation of Betrayer announced, as was announced that the rest of the band will stay together as Eternal Gray. As Eternal Gray, we decided to record our debut album, in the best and most professional manner, so we flew to Sweden to record it at the renowned Abyss studios, with Tommy Tagtgren as our sound engineer.
- What does the band name, Eternal Gray mean? What did you want to express with it?
- The name Eternal Gray refers to our music. It is a combination of both our music and our lyrics - since our life bares an ever-pale shade, gray is the colour best describing our musical creation. Our world is extreme and Eternal Gray is the middle. We feel Gray; we play Gray and that is the point behind our music. As for example, "Inflicting Pain" (4th song on Kindless) is very dark and takes you into another world, somehow psychotic. Then again - "World of ice" (9th song) has much more aggressive and uncompromising feel in it, so that is the reason we chose the middle area.
- Taken from your homepage: "The title was chosen to describe the album, meaning two things: first "kind-less" as in not very kind (or simply brutal), and second was "kind-less" as a unique album which has no kind like itself." Is it true about the band as well..?
- I surely hope it is. Guess it is not for us to decide.. ha-ha
- Your debut album, Kindless got very positive reviews everywhere. Have you expected that when you worked on the album or was it rather a surprise to you?
- We only did what we think a good death metal should sound like and tried to combine different styles of metal in it. Our new material that we are currently working on is much aggressive, psychotic and Eternal Gray style, which we are uprooting in the band and hopefully the audiences.
We actually did not expect such a good vibe out of Kindless. Thank you all!
- Kindless is distributed by The End Records in the States. Do you know anything about the sale numbers?
- Tell you the truth; when you get on stage, watching the entire crowd and feeling that massive energy of people who just want to listen to what you have to say, you are not actually interested in how much CDs have sold. Of course, it is a big point of interest to us knowing it, but we rather looking at it in a "macro" point of view. We trust Raven Music and The End Rec. and we are sure that they do know what they are doing.
We are getting many feedbacks from almost all over the globe, not just the U.S or Israel. Feedback is an important tool for as.
- After such a strong debut, aren't you afraid of the expectations ppl may have to your next album?
- I believe that work is never done, as well as never enough. We really like working and writing new material all the time, as well as to prosper by knowing that people out there actually like us (there are Two or Three who does.. ha-ha ). That gives you the motivation and the power to work harder each time in order to release the best album you could at that time. That is exactly what we are working on as we speak. That leads me to the next Eternal Gray step, which is recording our second CD.

- Kindless was recorded at the Abyss studios with Tommy Tagtgren. Why did you want to record the album outside of Israel? Why did you choose Abyss and not some other studio?
- We needed to get away from everything and record in a "sterile" environment, we wanted our first album to be the very best in terms of sound, so the Abyss was not only our first pick but our first priority as well.
It was a great and very yielding an experience for us to record Kindless at the Abyss. We learned a lot even though we came well prepared. Tommy is a professional in his job; he is comfortable to work with, as he is listening and open-minded. I also think that's the main reason for that our sound is not "Abyss like". Unless Tommy and his attitude it would never be like it.
- Any memorable moment from Abyss, you could share with the readers?
Would you record your sophomore album there as well?
- The Abyss is a great place to hang in and record, as well as the environment around. Right now, we are in the middle of song writing process, and while building our material, we have the time to think which studio will be the best to achieve what we want, as every album is different and has another character.
The Abyss studio is definitely a place we are considering, however, we have a long way to go until decisions like that need to be taken.
- Schmier (Destruction) and Peter Tagtgren (Hypocrisy/Pain) did some guest vocals on Kindless. How did you meet them? Tomas Lindberg sang once with you, in the time of Betrayer. Have you thought about asking him to do some guest appearance on the album?
- Actually, Schmier and Peter's performance in the Kindless debut album was a coincidence. While recording our album Destruction were recording their album at Peter's studio, one night we were invited to party with them, we took that opportunity and invited them to come and listen to our album, They came and liked what they heard and we asked them to put their mark in, the rest you know...
Thomas with Betrayer was actually a gig here, that me and Yishay (Raven Music) arranged in order to make a dream come true; At The Gates show. Therefore, we (Betrayer) have practiced on few ATG songs and invited Lindberg here in Israel, to do the vocals. The entire thing with Schmier and Peter was unplanned so it just happened.We have not actually thought to invite anyone to do some guest appearance.
- Any plan to make a video clip to a song on Kindless?
- As for now we are thinking more for the next record, so I guess a video clip is in second priority. As far as we concern, while no one will pay the budget for it, we rather saving the money in order to add it to the record deal budget.
- What would you tell about Kindless and Eternal Gray to those who don't know the band at all?
- I guess one listen to Kindless would solve that issue, that way or another. I would say that nothing is too general for us. It does not matter what you do, what matters is how you do it. We are not trying to make something new; we took the elements that everybody already knows and combined it with our "Gray" feel.
- Choose a song from Kindless that shows the real face of Eternal Gray in your opinion and tell us why.
- I would point at "The Unbelievers Die" as that song contains almost all the elements of Eternal Gray. Heavy rhythms, some fast grinds, and some mid tempo. All of that combines together with the lyrics which tells you about a psycho lunatic man who is something like Jesus, but on the dark side.
- How does the songwriting process work at Eternal Gray?
- We usually start with the music. Each of us writes alone at home, which is good for us because metal is not exactly the "lets jam and see what happens" kind of music. Of course, we do that occasionally but most of the time, it does not work. Usually I write the music while imagining a big church (great reverb) and a bunch of I do not know whom praying there. While thinking of it, the pray percolates my mind and transferring into notes, than I am converting it into metal. Often I'm writing riffs that is fun to play, some fast, technical, etc...
Eyal is writing most of the lyrics and Roy is very thoughtful and kind concerning the blasts we are dropping on him. Usually it starts like: "Hey Roy, listen to a new part! (I'm playing, Roy's eyes starts falling, smiling miserably and saying: no, you can't do this to me!!") Nevertheless, he likes it and we try to play it. It is important to know yours and your colleague's abilities when you write. Another important thing; in order to prevent four minds arguing about the style, songs and structure, at Eternal Gray only one person says the last word in which is final. That is working for us pretty good.
- Which bands influenced the music of Eternal Gray?
- First, I can say that every one of us came to Eternal Gray with a different history in metal and music in general. Of course, we appreciate many bands and artists in the metal field and we try to combine what we like with what we are. I can take a wild guess and say that the situation in our region is quite "helpful" but then again, that is not our main issue at all.
Eternal Gray goes for the psychotic way and twisted mind that happened to be in everyone.
- What inspires your music?
- Life itself.
- What are the lyrics about? What inspires your lyrics?
- I guess it is reflecting us as we are. We did not tell something new to anybody, we are just reflecting our reality. Every one of us can interpret the lyrics to its own direction. After all, life is very complex and what are making life to be so, are us. The lyrics are both insane and real.
- I think we can't avoid the question since Israel is almost on the news everyday. How does the political situation and the terrorist attacks affect you, your music, your point of view on life?
If you had the opportunity to move out from Israel, would you go?
- First, in Israel you MUST do your army service. On the age of 18, you are called for duty and they put you in exams in order to define what are your qualifications and where you will fit the best. I served in the paratroopers unit, which you volunteer to, and do some tests before you are accepted. When serving your country while knowing that when you do that, your family can live peacefully without that fear of being killed, you actually starting to like it, even love it. I just know I was a fucking war machine when serving in Lebanon and fighting those Satan damned terrorists. Let me just add, that unlike some people love to think, the Israeli army is humanitarian. I ran into many battles and situations that it was so easy to loose your mind and kill, but the education, training, and professionalism that we learned in the army and back home, helped us to control ourselves there. When seeing your best friend taking a bullet, then a terrorist get to him and just shoot his head, then kick it to make sure he is dead, that kind of things makes you think.
Of course, it has changed my worldview and more than that, it has changed my life. I will never be the same again.
About living out of Israel, I think yes, not because of the reason that we do not like it here, but only because of seeing it as self-development.
- You've played with Rotting Christ twice, Tomas Lindberg sung with you, Peter Tagtgren and Schmier were guest vocalists on Kindless. Is there any other person/band you would like to work together?
- As for now, we are in a strong contact with a well-known person in the scene, which we are working with on the production of our next record. We will let it out soon.
- What is the musical background of the members (education, other bands, etc. )?
- As mentioned before, every one of us is heaving a long history in music.
Roy the drummer (17 year old!) has played with some cool bands here, yet not released anything. Gil the bassist as well, played Death Metal. Eyal the vocalist played with Godless, a technical Death Metal, which released two demos, and with Betrayer. He use to study the guitar, in classical and jazz style. I played with Impurity, Black Metal (in '92) and released one demo; with Betrayer, and with some other unknown bands. I was a student in a music college and left it after two year, when realized that it is not what I am looking for.

- How often do you have the opportunity to perform live in Israel? How big is your fan base at home?
- We get to perform once in two months on average base. Most of the time there are more then 350, 400 people in each gig though we had some with 150 or so.
- Have you ever played outside of Israel?
Not yet, but we want to and will do it someday when we get the right opportunity and time for it.
- Any tour is planned outside of your home country?
- After we will get our next record out, I guess we will start touring. In the mean time, we will join some band for a gig or two, not a whole tour.
- What are you doing beside the band? Do you have regular jobs or... ?
- Yes, we got a regular job (we need to cover up the expenses of the band). Personally I do not know many bands that have no regular jobs beside of the band, and that a crying a shame because if there is an ultimate music style, rich, varied, and strong - it is Metal music. It is only a matter of time until it will penetrate the knowledge of all.
- I'm sure you had dreams when you started to play music and I'm sure you still have dreams. How much these dreams have changed through the years?
- When you get to know the industry, how it works, when sometimes you are not valued because of your music, so it gets you on the ground. We had a hell of a time through those years and it is very tuff to find a record deal. Here you see Kindless, which got many good reviews in almost every known magazine in the world, yet we find it very hard to fine a record deal for the next one. We are currently looking for a record deal, and sooner the better, we do not like wasting our time. I am also sure that many people who read it now and have a band, know exactly what I am talking about.
What's the best thing about being a member of Eternal Gray?
- Self-improvement throughout the band and being a part of a machine that just keeps running forward.
- What are the actual happenings around Eternal Gray?
- Working full time on our new material, and finding a record deal!
- What is your schedule for 2003 like?
- Right now, we are scheduled for another two gigs in the next few months, later on we will open for a very familiar band that is coming here (which I can not tell right now, it is unpublished yet) and hopefully record the next album.
- Thanks for your time. Close as you wish....
- Let me just thank you all for taking that time and read the above, hope to know that my sayings will contribute somebody somehow. As long as we live, we will do our best to keep our way of life, continue playing Death Metal and provide the best for you all!
Keep supporting the scene and find the time to look up the local band in Israel, such as Salem, Sleepless, Arallu, and many more!
Currently we are preparing the material for our upcoming CD and looking for a record label, as we are free from any contract and management.
Contact us at:
And pay us a visit at:
On behalf of Eternal Gray!