ETIDish Band, Need help with guitars!


Kevin Jordan
Aug 14, 2009
Long Beach, CA
My first project aside from recording my own band's demos.

I used the PSA-1 plugin in Protools for the guitars but I think they could sound better. My only options for guitars are the Sansamp plugin, Eleven LE, or direct in through a Boss ME-50... I AB'd them and the Sansamp sounded the best out of the three. DAMN YOU LACK OF FUNDS!!!

Should I try and get a better distortion through Eleven? Any experience with that plugin?

Anything else that stands out as weak or off so far?

Constructive criticism please guys! We're demoing this song out to send to labels so I want the mix to be as good as possible for these dudes!

Thanks, Kevin
it actually sounds pretty decent thus far, but there's a large multitude of FREE ampsims all over the place, search all threads by "lepou" and read the "impulse faq" stickied at the top of the production tips forum. also google acmebargig, they have tons of free easy ampsims. there's tons!! that snare could use a bit more compression and a bit of midscoop too, IMO. stands out a little too much to me.
I like the guitars bro, it's definitely got that raw, gritty ETID tone to it. What is it you don't like about them?

I think the snare could sound a little better (just some of the rolls have that machine gun sound going on) and I don't really care for the verb on the snare. I don't know if you've got an impulse loader in PT, but check out the Bricasti M7 impulses if you do. Lots of great reverb impulses. I love them on just about anything, and there are a bunch of different ones that the pack comes with.
I like the guitars bro, it's definitely got that raw, gritty ETID tone to it. What is it you don't like about them?

I think the snare could sound a little better (just some of the rolls have that machine gun sound going on) and I don't really care for the verb on the snare. I don't know if you've got an impulse loader in PT, but check out the Bricasti M7 impulses if you do. Lots of great reverb impulses. I love them on just about anything, and there are a bunch of different ones that the pack comes with.

I wanted them to sound pretty raw, and the guys in the band like them, I'm just not sure if it's just OUR ears thinking they're good enough. It's actually a relief that you think they're decent!

The drummer just called me and said he hates the snare too! Haha, I'm working on the velocity and EQ to get it to sit nicer in the mix as we type.

Anyone notice the programmed bass guitar? Haha
it actually sounds pretty decent thus far, but there's a large multitude of FREE ampsims all over the place, search all threads by "lepou" and read the "impulse faq" stickied at the top of the production tips forum. also google acmebargig, they have tons of free easy ampsims. there's tons!! that snare could use a bit more compression and a bit of midscoop too, IMO. stands out a little too much to me.

Sorry for the n00b question, but do you mean adding or removing mids by "scooping"...
He means removing. You don't ever add kitty litter to the tray by SCOOPINGit do you? That's just taking away shit.

As for the guitars, I'd say for the whole ETID type thing, go with more a more british voiced guitar tone. I wouldn't even use this tone for old school death metal, it's a honky, buzzy mess.

I assume you have DI's? lolzgreg as a peavey windsor, you could ask him to re-amp for you?
He means removing. You don't ever add kitty litter to the tray by SCOOPINGit do you? That's just taking away shit.

As for the guitars, I'd say for the whole ETID type thing, go with more a more british voiced guitar tone. I wouldn't even use this tone for old school death metal, it's a honky, buzzy mess.

I assume you have DI's? lolzgreg as a peavey windsor, you could ask him to re-amp for you?

Haha, understandable. I had a feeling that was the answer, but I thought you scoop UP shit too!

People on this forum would actually help me out and reamp my guitars for free? That sounds too good to be true, the guys not going to ask me to send him n00dz of my sister or anything is he?
it actually sounds pretty decent thus far, but there's a large multitude of FREE ampsims all over the place, search all threads by "lepou" and read the "impulse faq" stickied at the top of the production tips forum. also google acmebargig, they have tons of free easy ampsims.

I just downloaded an AcmeBarGig amp sim, but it doesn't explain how to use the file once I've unzipped it. There's no setup, do I just place it in my Protools Program folder or something along those lines?
There's plenty of people on here that will do sit for free or monumentally cheap dude.
There's so many talented guys on this forum trying to make a name for themselves.
Hell, I could try and work some of my revalver magic if you wanted.

I just downloaded an AcmeBarGig amp sim, but it doesn't explain how to use the file once I've unzipped it. There's no setup, do I just place it in my Protools Program folder or something along those lines?

Unless protools supports VST you will not be able to use ABG plugs, however, w will be supporting RTAS very soon..
Thanks for downloading it though !