Etienne Sin


A Former Somebody
Jan 6, 2011
I'm not into the songs much (some of them I think suck) but I have to admit, he's not using the auto tune machine like above92 aka Denis Shaforostov.

Things I hate about it, the drums kill my ears for every mix, and the mix in general sounds bad with headphones except for skull candy. and the techno wtf? moments are shit.

His studio explained (pretty sweet studio

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crossdressercore!? :lol:

actually it's not that bad,
i wish the guy (at least i think it's a guy)
would be less gay and moar....whatever...:lol:
He keeps making these gestures and movements that horny cheap disco sluts do, which isn't the best thing to do if you're already looking more like a girl than anything else.

I must conclude: I can't stand that kind of music.
Holy shit, it is a guy.

I have my contacts out. I was trying to figure it out for a few minutes..


Watched both videos. Really tired of the whole Gay singing, generic scream, beginner guitar riff, keyboard interlude, breakdown genre.
Dear MetalHeads,

I am the artist in that video. I do apologize if you do not like or understand the music, but I do try to appease everyone. I am however an easy going type of guy, so I respect your opinions.

Please know that I am a solo act, and I do everything myself. From Producing, to every instrument, to the Videography. It's not an easy task, and I worked damn hard to get my reputation with my fans.

I also understand your opinions on my image, but hell, I'd rather look like a pretty guy than an ugly chick.

I have new material coming up, taking heavy influence off of bands like Decapitated, Behemoth, and Carcass.

I urge fans of real metal to reconsider their angle on me and my music, as it is forever changing. If not, please just respect the fact that I too am a Metalhead whom hails from the very dark regions of music.

Thank you for your time.

~Etienne Sin
I have new material coming up, taking heavy influence off of bands like Decapitated, Behemoth, and Carcass.

I urge fans of real metal to reconsider their angle on me and my music.

Dude, honestly.....I'll believe it when I hear it.

Also I really wouldn't legitimise the term "real" metal if I was in your position, you might live to regret it.

Finally, thank you for not being about a cunt about criticism.
I still hate your music/image/general identity as an artist though.
Dude seems decently talented if he's doing all that on his own/by the gtr/key tracking on the video, and his vocal range is pretty huge. Kinda funny on the drums bit, wouldn't be surprised if they were just programmed? :lol:

Aso loving the fake British accent on the "let's open" line. :lol:

Really cool recording setup, I've got to admit! Just hate the music/image.
If you spent less time trying to cater your music to teenage girls and more time using your vocal range to really make a powerful statement, I'd probably have some serious respect for you, but until then I feel you're squandering your talent.
But eh, what do I know? S'your music, just a shame to hear a dude with amazing vocal range using it to make such awful music.
I can appreciate the tongue-in-cheek factor of the intro, but everything about this is painful. This dude/chick/thing needs to stop trying so hard to look like the biggest douche in the universe and focus on trying to write songs that don't sound like a 14 year old's first foray into metal. And he needs to learn to edit better. There is a nasty guitar clip at 1:45.

And he/she/it needs to give up the name "Etienne". The French/French-Canadians have done a lot of work to be seen as brutal in the metal world and they don't need that oddity queering them up. "Stevie" is a far more appropriate stage name.
Dear MetalHeads,

I am the artist in that video. I do apologize if you do not like or understand the music, but I do try to appease everyone. I am however an easy going type of guy, so I respect your opinions.

Please know that I am a solo act, and I do everything myself. From Producing, to every instrument, to the Videography. It's not an easy task, and I worked damn hard to get my reputation with my fans.

I also understand your opinions on my image, but hell, I'd rather look like a pretty guy than an ugly chick.

I have new material coming up, taking heavy influence off of bands like Decapitated, Behemoth, and Carcass.

I urge fans of real metal to reconsider their angle on me and my music, as it is forever changing. If not, please just respect the fact that I too am a Metalhead whom hails from the very dark regions of music.

Thank you for your time.

~Etienne Sin

Thanks, for not being a dick about criticism, I do respect that. just ignore anyone making fun of your looks, everyone gets made fun of on the internet in some way. I do have to say, idk if you are in the position (like many of us here) to say what "real metal" or who is really metal.

Which does leave me to question, how did you find this thread so fast?
If you don't like it, don't listen to it? I spent ages getting the shit bugged out of me by this sort of stuff and now I cannot find it in me to care that much. I can just turn it off and go back to my Suffocation album.