Eugenic Death - Crimes against Humanity out beginning of summer

J. Golden

Heaven and Hell Records
Oct 12, 2009
Heaven and Hell records have recently signed North Carolina thrashers Eugenic Death. The uncompromising old school thrash band featuring; Jonathan McCanless (guitar), Keith Davis (vocals), Shane Lucas (bass), and Ian Pasquini (drums) have created a buzz for themselves and built a strong following in their area. Their 2011 demo ‘The Devil Waits’ has spread through the underground rapidly and now time has come to unleash them to the rest of the world. With a sound akin to Onslaught, Demolition Hammer and the Bay Area scene, Eugenic Death stay true to their roots with determination to make it faster and more aggressive. The goal of this band is to attack your senses with unrelenting force.

The band is currently in the studio recording their debut album ‘Crimes against Humanity’ scheduled for an early summer release.


Cover design by Shawn Conn at
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