Euphimistic Speech Needs to die


Sep 7, 2001
I may or may not have brought this up before, but I am in the mood for a rant. I am growing tired of people covering up their meanings and ideas with euphemisms. Case in point: if you have had the unfortunate experience of watching American newscasts you'd see what I mean. The war in Afghanistan is not that, it is "The action in Afghanistan." The propaganda being dropped on Afghanistan is not that, it is "A public relations conflict." Don't you just want to puke when you hear this language? Albeit not all news sources are speaking in this manner, but many of them are. Why do we need to use euphemisms, like conflict, hostilities, and confrontation? IT IS A FUCKING WAR! Synonyms yes, but in the context they are being used they are euphemisms.
Amen... It's as George Carlin said. People have been manipulated into believing that if you change the name of a condition you change the condition itself.

It's all about the political correctness these days...We wouldn't want to offend anybody now, would we? Well fuck that! If somebody is fat, they're fat! Calling them big-boned is not going to change the fact that they take up two seats on a bus. What good is freedom of speech when you can't use it to offend anybody? There are a bunch of fucking pussies in this world.
You're spot on Soul4Raziel, I couln't agree with you more. It's like on the radio the other day, I was hearing some guy say how "fortunate" he was to attend a private school. As another caller pointed out, he's not "fortunate" he's just fucking rich!
Originally posted by _Transparent_
i hate it when they call it ''The War Against Terrorism'' :mad: :mad: , its giving me a headache.

:lol: Me too. :)

The offensive against the Taliban is not strictly a "War Against Terrorism" (ughh). Sorry I had to mention those annoying words again _Transparent_ ...
More relevantly, what I was trying to say in the previous post was that I hate how other political agendas, no matter how valid or invalid they may be, are being justified under this convenient umbrella of "The War Against Terrorism" (uuughhhhhhhh :bah: I really have to stop saying this)
heres an example-i saw some news the other day where that postal worker died-
and the dude kept saying "a postal worker (blahblhablha) EXPIRED"

i kept thinking about him having a little message on his head, and "fresh until (insert date here!)"

the dude died! :(
well, these words mean the same things. but its just like, some flowery way to say it! and yeah i agree its annoying.
Originally posted by brightoffski
More relevantly, what I was trying to say in the previous post was that I hate how other political agendas, no matter how valid or invalid they may be, are being justified under this convenient umbrella of "The War Against Terrorism" (uuughhhhhhhh :bah: I really have to stop saying this)

:lol: , its ok, i suppose those unmentionable words just pass through one and out the other ear now.

(I need to mention I am being sarcastic, NO ONE can EVER tell when i'm being sarcastic)

i find that a stuck out tounge or a winky thingy usually work to show sarcasm :p ;)