Euro trip pics = don't spend money on shit, travel instead


outdoor type
just want to share some pics with whomever,

directly from the airpot, somewhere in the middle of nowhere in far east prussia away from civilization, 1 am, party on

Wolf's Lair, bunkers were huge, 3-4 meter thick wall, unbelievable

in front of the barrack where attempted assassination took place


unfinished prussian canal thingie between lakes at different levels


nearly there (Wacken 06), heathen unloading


the three forum members at Wacken's beer garden, the bearded man is Gnoff, awesome beer brewer ;)


with the purchase of AA t-shirt you get Yugo windshield sunviser, it served good as an ass ground mat, would make for a cool thingie hanging off the wall however no room in the backpack


some people wanted to take a picture with me


the crew of mostly belgian rednecks


Berlin, location where hitler's bunker once stood, perhaps still there deep down


some german beer at a cool east berlin bar, good memories


Praha, it only took 600 years to build it


Gnoff, thanks for the direction, Hell's Bells metal bar in Prague

I only stopped by to see if there was anyone going to Amon Amarth's Bradford (UK) show, but stumbled upon this good lot of impressive photos :kickass:

Excellent clear pictures Hitler's 'Wolf's Lair', I was fascinated when I learnt about this on TV but these clear pictures give it a greater grandeur, thanks for posting.

Finally, respect and hails to the mighty Amon Amarth bangers!
Great pics man, these bunkers are fucking huge. I never went to our capital but I'm looking forward to do it. Btw. what was the best beer you had during that journey?^^
Isn;t Europe so much better than North America. I so need to get out of this place. I just got back from Scandinavia and wonder why more people dont go.
Bastard_ son_ of_ God said:
Isn;t Europe so much better than North America. I so need to get out of this place. I just got back from Scandinavia and wonder why more people dont go.

honestly i would love to go to Europe, but it just costs a lot of money that i dont have... *sigh*

i really need to get in a study abroad program (or study a broad hahaha)
Söy said:
honestly i would love to go to Europe, but it just costs a lot of money that i dont have... *sigh*

i really need to get in a study abroad program (or study a broad hahaha)

or the ultimate; studying a broad abroad while studying abroad

if I had unlimited resources I'm not sure where I would want to live, actually it probably wouldn't matter as I would be continuously travelling
well thankfully since im minoring in german, i get to meet all kinds of broads from abroad :p