European Tour Support Act


New Metal Member
Sep 20, 2005
I almost cried when Extol played as support act for Opeth on the european Tour.
To inform myself prior to the concert i listened to some stuff of their albums and was actually quite interested in Synergy, but as they played live they seemed to be nothing more than some insanely boring metalcore act. No offense, but they only played the newer songs ( =/ ) which obviously were made to appeal to a younger audience and to ride on the metalcore/emo wave.

Almost noone in the adudience was interested in them and they stopped playing as soon as they realized this. I almost felt sorry for them to be at the wrong time in the wrong place. But if i want to listen to some emo music i just turn on the radio.

Did anyone has had similar experience?
I ad a similar experience at Dragonforce on Sunday...
Some Glasweigian band called Mendeed supported them, htey were a metalcore band *rolls eyes*
Three quarters of the audience were standing stock still...obviously they came to hear Power Metal and not emo/metalcore
The music the band played was shite as had no depth or imagination - i swear they played the same goddam riff in every song
I DJ'd a gig that Mendeed were playing at, although they are not my preferred style of music, I was impressed by them. They are a good solid live band and a nice group of guys, still very young. The drummer was particularly cool.

As far as Extol, I dug out their last album before I went to Manchester to see Opeth. When I got there I was not interested in seeing them, so I stayed in the pub until it was closer to Opeth coming on.

Extol vs. Guinness... no contest.
25 minutes eh?
I may just turn up late for the gig then :P
Well...nah, i wanna get up the front when i go see Opeth ^^
I don't see the point in support bands, especially ones that are not even the same genre as the band oyu are going to see
If they were the same genre then at least people might be able to get into it a bit
I had a similar experience on last april when i saw Pain of Salvation... the support band was Dark Suns, a german opeth-clone with that singer-drummer-growler... God that was so boring -______-

Now I should see Extol on december along with Opeth....are you guys telling they're worst than Dark Suns? :D
I saw the Dark Suns at both Tours of PoS in europe this Year and yes they were better than Extol.
But as i said before the Synergy Album of Extol is pretty cool, but they didn't play any songs from that one 8[