European/Worldwide CD Release Date - APRIL 19TH 2004


Helping The World To See
Jan 3, 2002
Phoenix, Arizona U.S.A.
European, Canada, South America, Japan, Australia, and elsewhere CD Release Date - APRIL 19TH 2004 Pre order your copies now!!! The European version includes extra contents. Please visit or to order your copies now from the European side! Go to to order, from the America's side.

This album will be available at the same stores you purchased the last Vehemence album.
Hey John, does the American version(from come with the bonus footage or whatever???? Im about to order it, just wanted to know......where can I order the version with the bonus stuff from???
Fucking awesome, thanks a lot, I give guitar lessons, and make about 10$ a week (only one guy), so this cd is on the list for this week. What is contained on the CDROM may I ask?? Also, I believe FUKYOUIWANTTODIE are you a member of Vehemence as well?? Which?? (Maybe Im just a dumbass), but keep up the fucking nice work if you are......
yeah I'm in Vehemence too. I'm Bjorn (guitars). The CDROm has lots of live footage from all over the US, some rehearsal room footage, studio footage from the recording of God Was Created, and some really early footage from when we were first starting out.
Sweet man, I fucking love stuff like that. Awesome, I actually just placed my order for HTWTS, can't wait. Did you guys do more or less acoustic "breakdowns" and intros on helping the world to see??? For instance, I just love those parts in She Never Noticed Me, they're such a nice touch to the technical brutality.
Yeah all the history from 1997 to 2003 footage, GWC studio footage, alot of live show footage, sit back make some pop corn, watch the fucker and let us know what you think. Thanks for ordering the disc. There is a instrumental song which contains the acoustic guitars, so I guess less of it..this time around. This is more of a energetic death metal album, the main focus are the lyrics and the new advances in our song structures.
Did you check at Sound of Noise, or other shops in Norway if they carry the discs yet? I know they have god was created, if not they sold out, cause I checked on that matter long ago. I see you got tattoos man, what of?
Ichecked Sound Of Noise. I visit that shop at least once a week. It is your norwegian distributor that doesn't have the cd, so no shop has it either. And I can assure you that I know which ones that would carry it. I am going to order a handful of albums from the US and sell them myself, I think. I have been pushing your last cd to everyone i know, so I know there are a lot of people waiting for this one. I have some patterns from a celtic tombstone on my left arm, and a sleeve on the right, containing a lot of stuff i drew myself. A chinese deathmask that my ex found on some market in Beijing, a dragon, a smiling demon, lots of cheesy stuff. Our vocalist is a tattooist, so i get them all for free, and i started when i was 16, so there is no way back now. Exept for my whole back, which I am getting done soon.
There is a magazine in CHINA that promotes metal heavy, I met this guy at the Rainbow Room in Hollywood, and at the Soilwork show and he gave me his magazine, and it is found at check it out.

That's cool you get the hook up for the tats! Thanks for selling our albums man we in Vehemence really appreciate you doing that. Hit us up with pics of your tats when they are done.