EV cobalt CO4


Oct 31, 2005
anyone tried these yet?? looks like a 57 clone.... good price, $70 for 2.



Good god that's cheap - I always thought EV was more of a high-end maker, but I guess if these sound good that's all that matters!
Well, take that with a grain of salt. It's just how *I* percieve it compared to the SM57. It might be an illusion due to the increased treble responce. I can't promise any good samples, because I suck at micing, but a sample might explain it better than a hundred words. If nobody comes up with a sample I will do (a short shitty) one 2marrow. :loco: 57 vs CO4
sucks balls
I bought one

EV rep talked me into buying one

Huge POS, you can get them for even cheaper sometimes.
I have a SM57 and an audix i5 and these sound like complete garbage

sorry for my rant, but I was real pissed off after I bought that lol

They are built like fuckin tanks though
Maybe good mics to use live on drummers who want to destroy mics. :lol:

Seriously, EV is more in the live business, not the studio gear business. I've heard their guitar wireless systems are quite nice.
No way dude! Check out how the 57 breaks up in the midrange and is very thick but still detailed.

The C02 just sounds like a cheap, harsh mic. That shit would sound horrible in a mix. It's very fatiguing.
hmmm....i wouldn't say that sounds horrible. You might could EQ the amp with a bit more mids to compensate.... But I do hear the higher end of the Co4 coming out. It might sound pretty decent on a snare.....

and it does look more durable than an sm57 (I've lost a few 57s to dumbass drummers).

At $35 bucks a piece....I might take a gamble.