Ever Get Fired From A Job?

Yes, kind of. I was caught stealing lottery tickets and condoms on video. I made up some bullshit story about how I actually paid for them. He let me stay there a week or so more for some reason (during which time I kept stealing stuff) and then he basically forced me to quit. He didn't actually fire me so that my father would still buy cigarettes there I'm sure.

I was 16 or 17 and dumb. I raped that job for so much, especially for the owner before that guy. I used to buy pot with gas money and I didn't pay for gas for the first year and a half of driving. And there were people MUCH worse than me, just think about that.
I got fired from my first computer related job. My boss (Tim) quit in July of the year I got fired and he would come back every week or so to take everyone out for lunch because he lefto n good terms and was good friends with everyone in the building. When Tim quit, they brought in a replacement for him and the first thing the new guy does is build an office for himself.

Now we worked in the back of the building in a make shift copy center, there was a closet in there where we kept the servers. Tim and I worked together just in the open area, we were good friends and it was fun just hanging out back there, and this new juy Jack decided to build himself a small as 6x6 foot office around the server room, just big enough to fit a desk in there. It was so lame.

So one day Tim comes for lunch, and uses the intercom to say "meeting in the copy center to go get lunch" and he was looking at the new office and me and him are commenting on what a dick this guy is for coming in and building himself an office. So Tim is looking in the new office and some cunt see's him doing. Upon reading her email after I was fired, I see a sent email to the head manager saying that "Tim was in the server room, mike let him in there" what a fucking brown nosing snitch.

That friday I get called in for a meeting, Jack and the head douche bag of that place look pissed, and they fire me because I "comprimised security" by giving a non employee access to our server room and also for letting him use the intercom. I was 17 at the time, I'm suposed to tell at 25 year old man "please sir, dont use the intercom when not looking" and also physically prevent him from inspecting what used to be his workspace?

So I find out a week later that Jack hired his nephew as the new IT support kid.... I cant help but to put 2 and 2 together here.

The best part is, a week later I went back to pick up a box i had shipped there prior to being fired. And I was stopped by the Executive director of the center. He asked me If I would consider writing a letter of resignation to have on their files so that it looks like I resigned rather than being fired. So I did some research before declining the offer. The director had a meeting with the school board and the state (this was an educational center for the local school districts) and at this meeting they would need to go over recent events including fireing me, and they would need to present a reason for fireing me. So now they have to lie to the board about why I was fired with their BS security risks. I called 2 days later to tell them "im not writing the letter because I didn't resign" And he pushed for me to do it the whole phone conversation... fucking snakes.
I've worked my ass off in various jobs since I was 14. I pretty much had to work full time to get through University, and even more to fund a post-grad. I've left loads of part-time jobs for ideological reasons, but never been fired.
I never get fired because I'm such a good employee that the company never wants me to leave but I always do because I hate jobs. Thusly my leaving makes then want to cry, each and every time.
when I quit Donatos Pizza to go to my computer job, they begged me to stay because i kicked so much ass at that job.
Laid off from seasonal work, never fired. I am ramping up to resignation within a few months.
Never been fired... I always leave because I hate working the job after a year or slightly more.

I've been working this manufacturing job the last 18 months, and I just can't get myself to quit, yet I can't fucking stand working there anymore. Too much management abuse.

I think I can't leave because I have job security... they don't function without me. I hate having to look for a new job, and especially here... There isn't any money in jobs nowadays... you either get paid minimum wage, or a bit over.
I think I'm gonna get fired soon because i called in a left a message today saying i had a physics tutorial.. so im gonna quit before they can fire me, so i'll get the last laugh

The senior staff at my job always say they dont mind giving time off for school related activities.. A few girls got time off for ball hockey a few weeks ago, but i guess physics tutorials in the middle of mid-terms ain't the kind of "School related" stuff they were talking about!
Never fired but I quit working at Pizza Hut the other month. No particular reason I'm just a lazy bastard right now until my band can get on its feet. I make plenty of side money from my profitable plants.
the was this chick named Kristina that used to pummel me with a plasti-gloss covered mini-baseball bat, her mom, Susan got arrested for drug possesion, when Susan got out, Kristina was sleeping on my couch, Susan's job was delivering the Dallas Morning news to the preptown part of Irving, she was only locked up for 6 months, so when she got out, she got her job back, but her car had been crushed into a cube, because Kristina had spent 20 or 30 thousand dollars in less than 3 weeks, and didn't have any money left to get the CR-X out of the impound yard, and for some other reason, Susan didn't have access to the Blazer she'd been using before, so Susan had to use my mother's Mazda 626 to deliver the newspaper, i ended up helping her because she couldn't do it by herself and couldn't find the people that had helped her before, i can't drive (spacial acuity problem) so i was the one getting out of the car, and running up and down the stairs to put the news papers on the doorsteps of the people that lived on the 3rd and 4th floors and a few people where i had to go downstairs because their front doors are below the street level in a couple of places built on hillsides, we had to deliver such a huge amount of papers in such a short amount of time that it was actually the most grueling thing i've ever done in my life, several people were getting their newspapers stolen so Susan's boss ended up firing ME, even though MY NAME was never actually on the paycheck and i never saw any of the money she was making, it was such a gruelling thing to do anyway that i was just about to quit when i got fired anyway, Susan broke her ankle and had to quit a few months after i got fired
she was getting paid a nickel per newspaper, (working in the middle of the night) and her pimp friend did the math (while she was in the hospital for the broken ankle) and realized that she was getting paid a dime less than minimum wage!!! and i think she ended up spending almost all of that money buying Marlboro cigetettes and Dr Pepper while i was giving her free room and board
sorry for the odd grammer/syntax and totall lack of paragraphical structure