Ever go to concerts alone?


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
I never used to, if I couldn't find someone to go to a show with me, I just wouldn't get tickets. So last night was the second time I've gone solo, I think I'll be doing this much of the time now. Nobody to keep track of, no girl to protect from flying elbows, no drunk friends dragging you into fights, etc.

No road head on the way home either, but that's alright. I guess. :loco:
I've been to a couple alone. Usually I like to go in groups just so the journey to and from isn't so boring, and also so I'm less of a target for scoundrels when winding my way home half-pissed at gone midnight.
I don't think I ever have. The appeal of most gigs is the social part of it - gathering up the crew, getting pissed and then heading off for a show. I wouldn't have seen half the bands I've seen if it weren't for that.
Going with friends to a concert is cool - more the merrier syndrome.

But on the other hand, if you go on your own to a concert, who on earth knows that you're alone? I went to see Maiden at Earl's Court by myself . . . I'm a sad bastard! :)
Sorath said:
Sure I do, but whenever there's a good gig nearby around here you know half the people there.

My conundrum is that everyone I used to go to gigs with *cough* JayKeeley *cough* ;) now have more important things to do, like raise families and work and shit. The nerve!

Anywho, I've gone to more than half of my recent shows solo, it's not so bad. I'll tell you what sucks, since I tape the gigs, is not having someone to fetch beers! That sucks.
I've gone to several alone. Once I went to a Skinlab concert without a ticket, and some dude gave me an extra he had for half the price of tickets at the door. That's one good thing about metal shows. The fans seem to relate to each other, even though they don't know each other.
I'm hitting up Vital Remains / Cattle Decapitation on May 20 in Santa Ana (not far from LA).