ever had that feeling that...

i eat the ice

I stopped for a while when i found out the relation between ice and teeth enamel on the moh's hardness scale

but now i eat ice again

If i wanted another drink i'd get more ice, fresh drinks need fresh ice
Dead_Lioness said:
if you finish your drink and there is still ice in the glass, then you have to get another drink because otherwise you'd be wasting the ice?

just thinking.
i totally feel like that.
<3 <3 <3
I had a night like that last night, except it was more like "Hmmm, there is booze in front of me. It must be drunk." And I had a total of about sixteen shots' worth on me. Plus the kegs.

I ended up blacking out. Not fun.

Anyway, I do that from time to time, but usually I drink really slow so the ice ends up melting anyway.
Dead_Lioness said:
if you finish your drink and there is still ice in the glass, then you have to get another drink because otherwise you'd be wasting the ice?

just thinking.
often. :eek:
though when I'm finished with the second drink, the ice melts as well, so I pour in another one. a waste in general. :loco:
