Ever snarf Pop Rocks?


New Metal Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fairfield, CT (USA)
I was just reading the Bodom board and I laughed at something dumb someone posted. I happened to be eating Pop Rocks at the time, and I snarfed them. It still hurts like hell... Anything like this ever happen to you while reading UM, or other food related dumb things that have happened?

Steve (I think that was a bit incoherent)
If snarf means snort, or is in anyway related to it, then i do have a similar story. My friend and i were making some drinks and it had this powdered stuff that you had to stir with other stuff, kinda like coolaid. Well, on a dare, i snorted quite a bit of it. Hurt for days after. Funny at the time though.
Actually, snarfing is the exact opposite of snorting. The food/driink starts in the back of your throat, then a laugh or cough propels it up and out of the nose. Like spitting soda on your keyboard when you read something funny, but more extreme.
If you ever get the really big pops from pop rocks, you'll know what happened. It's kind of like having small firecrackers go off in your nose :( I think the Bodom board needs a disclaimer like: "Warning, may contain morons"
Steve420 said:
If you ever get the really big pops from pop rocks, you'll know what happened. It's kind of like having small firecrackers go off in your nose :( I think the Bodom board needs a disclaimer like: "Warning, may contain morons"

Ahh Im not a moron! :cry: