EVERGREY on Swedish radio tonight!!


Marked by the triangle
Mar 3, 2006
Västerås - Sweden
Swedish radio channel P3 will send Evergrey from Hultsfred 2008.

It will start 21.30 Swedish time which is the same as CET-time.

More info here: http://www.sr.se/cgi-bin/p3/nyhetssidor/index.asp?programID=2663 (translate through google) and listen to it by click P3 Live in the red square (don´t know if it works outside Sweden, but I guess it will). You can also listen to it later if you read this too late, then go to this page: http://www.sr.se/cgi-bin/p3/nyhetssidor/sandningsarkiv.asp?programID=2663

Well, enjoy! :rock: and cheers!
It´s cool that P3 Live is broadcasting Evergrey so often. I'm not sure but I think this is the fourth Evergrey show I have heard recorded by them. P3 is together with P4 the biggest channels (??) in Sweden! The producer/manager for the show must really like them, but who doesn't? =)