Evergrey on the net??

Just waiting for the soap opera to start to unfold on the message board. :p

It's great that the band members and the beautiful halves of them take the time to post.
They sure do... you will notice after a while among us here.
But at the moment they're all too busy with their upcoming album.
The recordings are scheduled to be done on Friday night.
Then there are about two weeks mixing to do.
BTW- I watched the "I'm Sorry" video and I was glad to see that all of the girlfriends, wives, children, etc. (even Jonas)were in it! How many bands would do that? Very Cool!
BTW- I watched the "I'm Sorry" video and I was glad to see that all of the girlfriends, wives, children, etc. (even Jonas)were in it! How many bands would do that? Very Cool!

How would you know they are their wifes and girlfriends?

very kool indeed :)
Carina and Saxiquine are regulars, I've seen pictures of the kids on various sites (namely the gallery), and the rest are reasonable guesses. ;)