Evergrey Progpower shirt on Ebay

It's a wanted item. I've had online friends overseas asking if they new of any available. They missed out first time and second time. Glad I got my 2, made for a great Christmas gift:saint:
grrrr. This is a sore topic for me. Got there wicked early. Was told there were no smalls. (box under table un-noticed by sales reps.) Got a medium. Was happy. After event, found out there WERE smalls, still available. Agreed to make an exchange with unknown forum member. Sent mine out in good faith. Never got the small; just the run-around (U.S. Postal Service claims my delivery made it, though recipient denies same) Got shafted. I'm still soooo depressed. Most people are cool and I've lost no faith in PP attendees in general, but that just sucks. :( If I see the dude (thanks for finding his myspace poll.) he better not have his gf there wearing "my" shirt. :cry: :bah:
grrrr. This is a sore topic for me. Got there wicked early. Was told there were no smalls. (box under table un-noticed by sales reps.) Got a medium. Was happy. After event, found out there WERE smalls, still available. Agreed to make an exchange with unknown forum member. Sent mine out in good faith. Never got the small; just the run-around (U.S. Postal Service claims my delivery made it, though recipient denies same) Got shafted. I'm still soooo depressed. Most people are cool and I've lost no faith in PP attendees in general, but that just sucks. :( If I see the dude (thanks for finding his myspace poll.) he better not have his gf there wearing "my" shirt. :cry: :bah:

AMBR, that sucks that you've been done that way. Just remember, what comes around goes around. Dishonesty is never the way to go, because it'll catch up with a person's ass someday! I hope you're able to land another Evergrey shirt sometime soon.

On another note, there's some killer folk on this forum that will go out of their way to help out. I've had some very, very positive experiences during trades, etc. from people on here. The pricks are out numbered by the honest people. :kickass:
