EVH 5150 vs. Axe FX 5150

Ola Englund

Only gay in the village
Dec 1, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
As you probably already have seen I borrowed a EVH5150 couple of weeks back. Awesome amp! I want to own one... for real!

But before getting one I've been trying to copy the tone using the Axe 5150 amp sim and one of my own impulses(created from the EVH5150 when I borrowed it). Also Lolzgreg has been doing a couple of EVH5150 impulses that I will post clips of later but I wanted to see if I was able to reproduce the mic'd EVH5150 with my Axe.

No post effects added. The first part was recorded when I had the amp 2 weeks back and the other part today so there might be a bit different in tuning and my play mood ;)

While getting close there is still something in the real amp that I can't reproduce with the axe.

The first part of the clip is the EVH 5150 and my roadster cab mic'd with a sm57.
The second part(starts at 0:57) is my Axe Fx using an impulse that I created with the setup above at the time.

So here are the result:

1. EVH 5150 Roadster Cab
2. Axe Fx

wow they sound the same maybe the 5150 has alittle more dynamics in there but very close im surprized
I clicked the file without reading what you put. They sound very different, and I preferred the 2nd one. More bottom end to it.

Then I read it and it's the Axe....
On my speakers at work there is virtually no difference. So I would say to the average listener the Axe if extremely useful. Ill give a better opinion once I get home on my studio monitors. Always been impressed with the Axe.
nice ! i really like both, although im only on laptop speakers at the moment!
really cool impulse!
The AxeFX lacks the upper end fizz and I mentioned this on the Fractal forums a while back. If you look at the pre-amp signal of the AxeFX under a spectrum analyzer you will see that the upper frequencies drop off much sooner than on a real 5150's pre-amp section. I hope they update the 5150 program in the future to make it closer to the real thing because some of the other amp models are spot on. My dual rectifier on the AxeFX sounds exactly the same as my real dual rectifier (which I sold last week).
I wonder if they'd be even closer if Factal moddeled the 5150 III. Until then, this has to be taken with a grain of salt. Cool comparison, Ola!