
Mar 13, 2002
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I would have put O/T in the title, but if threads titled "butt sex" and "hardcore" need no such thing, then niether does this.:Smug:

On Ted Raimis website he has this listed in his filmography as "in pre-production" with a link. You click the link and is takes you to another page that states Sam Raimi has announced he's hoping for a 2006 release...

As always the BC page just sez "No."

These guys are worse then Anthrax.:D
GregadetH said:
I would have put O/T in the title, but if threads titled "butt sex" and "hardcore" need no such thing, then niether does this.:Smug:

On Ted Raimis website he has this listed in his filmography as "in pre-production" with a link. You click the link and is takes you to another page that states Sam Raimi has announced he's hoping for a 2006 release...

As always the BC page just sez "No."

These guys are worse then Anthrax.:D

Well Greg,

I have some bad news and I have some good news. First, the good news(I like giving good news), there will be a new Evil Dead movie however, it's not actually Evil Dead 4 it's actually going to be a remake of the first Evil Dead movie and it will have a different director for the project. Sam Raimi is still envolved but I guess that thought with this new installation of Evil Dead is, (they remade Texas Chainsaw Mass, and Salem's Lot, so let's remake Evil Dead. I've found the text at IMDB(internet movie database) for you, so read up on this Greg.

Plot Summary for
The Evil Dead (2006)

Five friends (Ash, Cheryl, Scotty, Shelly and Linda) All decide to spend a nice, quiet weekend at a cabin out in the woods. When they get there, they discover a book made out of flesh and inked in blood. They also find a tape recorder, with a strange man's voice on it. When they play the tape, it begins with the man translating what is written in the strange book. The transelation awakens evil demons which have been resting in the woods, and now, they are ready to attack the people that have awakened them from they're slumber."

You can check this out for yourself at www.imdb.com, just type Evil Dead 4 into the search function.


GregadetH said:
Well, after reading all that shit I've come to the conclusion that a remake is a definate fucking mistake that will no doubt suck.

Usually, I would agree Greg but I gotta say that I have a copy of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake on DVD, and I love it so it will really depend on how it's made, but yes I do agree that new is better!


Bloody-Disgusting.com was following it for a while, information is kinda hush as it's supposed to be Raimis next movie after whatever he's working on.
Ragamuffin said:
Bloody-Disgusting.com was following it for a while, information is kinda hush as it's supposed to be Raimis next movie after whatever he's working on.


Sounds good to me, Raimi's next movie is SpiderMan 3 so I guess we won't see Evil Dead 4 for about 2 or 3 years but I'll be there 2 check it out!


ok besides being a thraxhead i'm a deadite i love the evil deads..
evil dead 2 was a remake/sequel to evil dead
the new evil dead remake wont be done by raimi or even have ash in it from what i've know its someone else movie with the same idea but new people, heard tones of rumors (hmm sounds familiar) (i do not care to see the past relived!)
EVIL DEAD 4 (this is what i'm talking about) is supposed to be my raimi and the man himself BRUCE CAMPBELL as ASH! and is supposed to be half written, who really knows, this is the last i read..
