Evil Insight - Minds To Mold demo


Huge Member
Feb 13, 2008
Hello fellow thrasers! As some of you might know my band is called "Evil Insight". We've been trying to release a demo for quite some time now but we have had many setbacks. We recently had to let our bassist go and we're in the process of building our own rehearsal place and looking for a new bassist. In the midst of that, we were taking care of the cover for this demo which will be named "Minds To Mold" and our logo which we hadn't finalized . So here it is, I will also leave you the track listing.
So what do you think? You like it? Would you buy it?


Track list:

1. Minds To Mold
2. Children of Anxiety
3. March Towards Thrash
4. Outdated
5. War Dogs Fall
6. Evil Insight

You can hear two songs from it at our myspace page. www.myspace.com/evilinsight
I will keep updating this thread with news.

EDIT: The whole Demo is up now!
Thanx guys. Soon we'll start changing the myspace a bit. with the artwork and whatnot and add some more songs.:)
Anyway they'd be available other than Myspace? Myspace doesn't work on my PS3 browser, and my PC is gay.....

EDIT : And yes, I'd probably buy it lol. Badass cover, and non generic song titles = awesome!
Cheers Dave and Keenan! I was thinking of putting them up on youtube but not yet. Sorry dude.
Great artwork! Will check out the music when I get to an internet connection that isn't a shite mobile internet pen... makes myspace and streaming in general a real pain in the ass... Seriously though, awesome cover :)
Well, Its finally here. The Demo is up on myspace guys so go listen to it now! I would appreciate comments. Have a Thrashy day!
:lol: The site works on my PS3, just not the music player.

Listened to the first three songs, and to be honest...... I didn't really like it too much.......... At the beginning. :p The more I listened to it, the more it grew on me. To me, it sounds like a mix of Testament and Vektor (This band mainly because of the vocals, not much else). Will this be available for purchase or download anywhere?
Hey man. WILL be doing copies, just dont know when or how many. But if you really want the songs then I can send them by email or maybe upload them somewhere so people can download. Anybody else? I would really appreciate it, even if you say, "its just another band aint it, nothing new" "its crap" "it made my ears bleed" "generic". I would like your point of view since you all like thrash and metal in general. Thanx in advance. :popcorn: