Evolution Electric Guitar Strawberry: Periphery's "Letter Experiment" test clip!!

Hi everybody!

I'm here again with a new VST guitar: Evolution Electric Guitar Strawberry (let's call them only "Evolution"), from Orange Tree Samples. I really liked its clean tone, though it doesn't have doubletracked samples, just an "artificial" one, but whatever, I have my way of doubletracking :cool:

I've made a test clip using Periphery's song "Letter Experiment" from their first album. I put the original track in mono, so the rhythm you're going to hear are made with Evolution. Oh, TSE X30 and TS' Secret were used.

Javi Perera - Periphery's Letter Experiment (Evolution Electric Guitar Strawberry)

Check and enjoy!!:D
Javier your hability with this vst instruments is incredible,. Are you using the artificial ones for double tracking or you are doing something else ? What impulse is this ?

pd : Pepe Reina es un crack ¡¡ hhaha
Sounds very convincing. How does it compare to the other one you use?

Compared to which one? Electri6ity or Prominy?

Javier your hability with this vst instruments is incredible,. Are you using the artificial ones for double tracking or you are doing something else ? What impulse is this ?

pd : Pepe Reina es un crack ¡¡ hhaha

I've used the artificial one, but added a bit of delay between them. I've used Metal Amp Room.
unbelievable man!
I listened to all your other programmed guitar demos and they are amazing!
I mean some years ago i was absolutely impressed with the possibility to program drums and record guitar without an amp.
But without amp and without guitar...
Killer ;)
It sounds too "djenty" if that makes sense, to the point where it's a little harsh and grating.
But that said, apart from being a bit too attacky and bright (well, djenty haha), the fundamental tone is pretty good.
I can believe they're not real. However, a non-guitarist listener or an untrained ear would not be able to tell the difference. I am entirely impressed.
Sounds pretty awesome, but a bit to stilted to be 100 percent believable, while people can be tight as a ducks ass, they arn't as tight as that, there's something slightly "un human" about the way it sounds, I think it's the palm muting sound, it doesn't sound fleshy enough, like the meat of someones hand is actually stopping metal vibrating against it. I guess that could be attributed towards a lack of warmth in the sound?

Other than that though it sounds pretty sick man, nice job indeed!
Sounds pretty awesome, but a bit to stilted to be 100 percent believable, while people can be tight as a ducks ass, they arn't as tight as that, there's something slightly "un human" about the way it sounds, I think it's the palm muting sound, it doesn't sound fleshy enough, like the meat of someones hand is actually stopping metal vibrating against it. I guess that could be attributed towards a lack of warmth in the sound?

Other than that though it sounds pretty sick man, nice job indeed!

Thanks VeneMorte. Exactly, it has a looong way to be more convincing but, you know, I've spent only 1 week with this library, so I guess I could do much better in a future... or not.

you didnt program those drums did you? you just played over the song?

Nope, I just turned the original song in mono and put my rhythm guitars in top of it.

I can believe they're not real. However, a non-guitarist listener or an untrained ear would not be able to tell the difference. I am entirely impressed.

Of course they're not real. There is the trick :D

It sounds too "djenty" if that makes sense, to the point where it's a little harsh and grating.
But that said, apart from being a bit too attacky and bright (well, djenty haha), the fundamental tone is pretty good.

Well, the main goal of this test was making the tone... you know... "djenty" :tickled:

unbelievable man!
I listened to all your other programmed guitar demos and they are amazing!
I mean some years ago i was absolutely impressed with the possibility to program drums and record guitar without an amp.
But without amp and without guitar...
Killer ;)

That's the future baby :devil:

Both? haha Why not a shootout? or it isn't as easy as swapping different DI's?

Cuz both guitars have different MIDI and CC programming... insane programming btw
Can you tell us what you prefer on this library compared to the other?
I've bought pettinhouse and shreddage, they are cool, but not totally there, or maybe it's me that don't know how to use them properly.
So how it compare to them? And what do you think about electrici6ity?
With all your experience with virtual guitar, could you help us?

Thank you!
Can you tell us what you prefer on this library compared to the other?
I've bought pettinhouse and shreddage, they are cool, but not totally there, or maybe it's me that don't know how to use them properly.
So how it compare to them? And what do you think about electrici6ity?
With all your experience with virtual guitar, could you help us?

Thank you!

Well, Evolution is more from metal, opposed to Electri6ity, which is more for rock stuff.

Pettinhouse and Shreddage are good libraries for beginners, but you cannot make big things with 'em... or yes, I dunno.

And by the way, did you beta test this one:
Seems to be a good bass library for bass!

Well, I've not tried it... yet. :D

Dammit, that video. I know, my english sucks. :oops: