

Average Bear
Jun 5, 2002
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how can there still be people who "don't believe" in evolution? there are people - young people - in developed countries with good education who say it's a lie, a myth, a false religion. now, i don't know any (don't know too many people, though) anti-evolutionists but i read their comments every day on message boards.

do you know any nuts? it's a good thing most of us don't live in the US, and that the EU isn't anywhere near as infested with fundamentalists and powerful lobby groups trying to remove evolution from the biology classroom.

:erk: ..but there should definitely be more education on the subject.


sorry for the serious post and all, but reading FSTDT really gets me angry..
Yes. It amazes me when people are smart-arsing over the supposed gaps in evolution theory and on next sentence they preach their love for christiany, horoscopes, or whatever shit. Apparently it's easier to someone to belief in things that have no prove at all instead of well formed theory. Fuckin idiots.
It's only a theory though boys... perhaps it's Jesus, taking the piss like
find me the missing link and then i'll believe :lol:

whats that?? you cant?? i wonder WHY???

i like bill hicks take on jesus and evolution
jesus to god "cmon dad, fuck 'em. lets plant more dinosaur bones and fuck with their heads"
but what if they (lights friends from outofspace) had intervention in genetical processes? :)