Ex-OF MICE & MEN Singer AUSTIN CARLILE On COVID-19 And GEORGE FLOYD Unrest: 'None Of These...


Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
Former OF MICE & MEN frontman Austin Carlile says that the the "Black Lives Matter" movement won't achieve its goal "until the world sees, accepts and walks in true love, which is only found in Jesus." Carlile — who became a born-again Christian in 2016 — took to social media on Thursday (June 4) to address two of the biggest hot-button issues facing the U.S.: the coronavirus pandemic and discussions about racism and discrimination following the alleged murder of a black man who died while in a Minneapolis police officer's custody. "From #Politics constantly dividing us& the #media lying to us. To #COVIDー19 keeping us socially distanced more than we already were... Quickly escalating to #blacklifematters (which they do) because of #racism (which is a sin) Which led to #peacefulprotests against injust..." Austin wrote. "... #PoliceBrutality (which is wrong) then escalating into #riots & #looting (many of which were started by paid agitators) or simply fed-up, angry, & most importantly, HURTING humans. Humans (all of which) were made in the IMAGE OF GOD, & who all suffer the effects of this... "EVIL world that we live in because of SIN. It is SIN that separates us from God. We have ALL sinned. But God sent HIS Son, Jesus, (not a pale white man btw) to die for ALL HUMANS, of EVERY COLOR, for EVERY SIN. It's only by GOD'S GRACE, through faith, in JESUS BLOOD that we... "can be saved! Period. That's what will bring change. He came 2,000 years ago to do just that. Jesus came to save ALL HURTING people! #AllLivesMatter won't happen until #BlackLivesMatter & that won't happen until the world sees, accepts & WALKS in TRUE love. Which is only found... "in JESUS. Who IS the definition of love. 'God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him won’t perish but will have eternal life. God didn’t send his Son into the world to JUDGE THE WORLD, but that the world might be SAVED through him.'" He continued: "Whatever 'jesus' you've been shown by hateful Christians, or condemning churches, or the 'we want your money' television preacher that waters down the TRUTH of 'We have ALL SINNED & fallen short of the glory of God. Saved by grace ALONE. So that NO MAN can boast..' is WRONG and.. ".. on their behalf I want to apologize if you were mistreated or judged for having addiction, an abortion, an affair, depression, or a mental illness. I want to apologize for them if you've ever heard 'you're not welcome here for being #LGBTQ,' or BECAUSE OF YOUR SKIN COLOR... ".... they were mistaken. I pray you forgive them too. That's not Jesus. Yes, sin is sin & there is right & wrong. I will NEVER falter on that. But the JESUS THAT DIED FOR YOU FLIPPED TABLES IN A CHURCH! HE YELLED AT THEM & DROVE THEM OUT because they made His 'Fathers house... "a place of money, merchandise, & not prayer.' THOSE WERE THE SAME PEOPLE THAT HE WILLING LET CRUCIFY HIM for YOU... Yes, YOU. "THAT Jesus loved the poor & weak, the woman w/ 5 husbands, the starving & sick, the mistreated & the marginalized. AND HE ACCEPTED THEM AS THEY WERE... "... just as He will accept you. No matter what condition, addiction, afflictions, culture, color, or race. It doesn't matter. The life of JESUS matters to you, because YOUR life matters to Him. Come as you are now, because HE IS coming back soon. None of these current events are "surprising to Him or anyone who understands that the Bible is the living Word of God. He is on the throne. He came as a lamb before, but will be returning as a LION next. Think things are bad now? You have no idea. Live in Him, not the world, so you can live in joy, not fear" Three years ago, Carlile admitted that loses Twitter followers any time he speaks "about God or His son Jesus." He said: "People don't wanna hear it." Carlile left OF MICE & MEN in 2016 due to his ongoing battle with Marfan syndrome, a rare genetic disorder that afflicts the connective tissue holding the body's cells, organs and tissue together. Carlile originally exited OF MICE & MEN in 2010 after his doctor forbade him from touring to undergo heart surgery tied to complications with Marfan Syndrome. He returned in 2011, but his ailments didn't cease, forcing him to depart the band for the second, and presumably final, time nearly four years ago.

From #Politics constantly dividing us& the #media lying to us. To #COVIDー19 keeping us socially distanced more than we already were... Quickly escalating to #blacklifematters (which they do) because of #racism (which is a sin) Which led to #peacefulprotests against injust...

— Austin Carlile (@austincarlile) June 4, 2020

... #PoliceBrutality (which is wrong) then escalating into #riots & #looting (many of which were started by paid agitators) or simply fed-up, angry, & most importantly, HURTING humans. Humans (all of which) were made in the IMAGE OF GOD, & who all suffer the effects of this...

— Austin Carlile (@austincarlile) June 4, 2020

EVIL world that we live in because of SIN. It is SIN that separates us from God. We have ALL sinned. But God sent HIS Son, Jesus, (not a pale white man btw) to die for ALL HUMANS, of EVERY COLOR, for EVERY SIN. It's only by GOD'S GRACE, through faith, in JESUS BLOOD that we...

— Austin Carlile (@austincarlile) June 4, 2020

can be saved! Period. That's what will bring change. He came 2,000 years ago to do just that. Jesus came to save ALL HURTING people! #AllLivesMatter won't happen until #BlackLivesMatter & that won't happen until the world sees, accepts & WALKS in TRUE love. Which is only found...

— Austin Carlile (@austincarlile) June 4, 2020

in JESUS. Who IS the definition of love. "God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him won’t perish but will have eternal life. God didn’t send his Son into the world to JUDGE THE WORLD, but that the world might be SAVED through him."

— Austin Carlile (@austincarlile) June 4, 2020

Whatever "jesus" you've been shown by hateful Christians, or condemning churches, or the "we want your money" television preacher that waters down the TRUTH of "We have ALL SINNED & fallen short of the glory of God. Saved by grace ALONE. So that NO MAN can boast.." is WRONG and..

— Austin Carlile (@austincarlile) June 4, 2020

... on their behalf I want to apologize if you were mistreated or judged for having addiction, an abortion, an affair, depression, or a mental illness. I want to apologize for them if you've ever heard "you're not welcome here for being #LGBTQ," or BECAUSE OF YOUR SKIN COLOR...

— Austin Carlile (@austincarlile) June 4, 2020

.... they were mistaken. I pray you forgive them too. That's not Jesus. Yes, sin is sin & there is right & wrong. I will NEVER falter on that. But the JESUS THAT DIED FOR YOU FLIPPED TABLES IN A CHURCH! HE YELLED AT THEM & DROVE THEM OUT because they made His "Fathers house...

— Austin Carlile (@austincarlile) June 4, 2020

a place of money, merchandise, & not prayer." THOSE WERE THE SAME PEOPLE THAT HE WILLING LET CRUCIFY HIM for YOU... Yes, YOU.

THAT Jesus loved the poor & weak, the woman w/ 5 husbands, the starving & sick, the mistreated & the marginalized. AND HE ACCEPTED THEM AS THEY WERE... — Austin Carlile (@austincarlile) June 4, 2020

... just as He will accept you. No matter what condition, addiction, afflictions, culture, color, or race. It doesn't matter. The life of JESUS matters to you, because YOUR life matters to Him. Come as you are now, because HE IS coming back soon. None of these current events are

— Austin Carlile (@austincarlile) June 4, 2020

surprising to Him or anyone who understands that the Bible is the living Word of God. He is on the throne. He came as a lamb before, but will be returning as a LION next. Think things are bad now? You have no idea. Live in Him, not the world, so you can live in joy, not fear ?

— Austin Carlile (@austincarlile) June 4, 2020

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