Ex-OVERKILL Guitarist BOBBY GUSTAFSON On Name Of His New Band SATANS TAINT: 'It's Hard To...


Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
"Bods Mayhem Hour" recently conducted an interview with former OVERKILL guitarist Bobby Gustafson about his new band, SATANS TAINT. You can listen to the entire chat below. A few excerpts follow (transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET). On SATANS TAINT's second studio album, "Destruction Ritual": Bobby: "I just think that it had to be just my determination to get this done in a short time because we kind of used a lot of the songs up on the first album [2017's 'Axe To The Head Of My Enemies']. I had some laying around, then I wrote a couple of new ones. I only needed to have a few, like five and put it out. So, once that was out, we saw how well that sold and I'm like, 'We got to write stuff. I don't have anything together.' Any spare moment I had, I mean, I took a guitar with me in my work truck, a little mini-guitar and I was working on stuff during my lunch hour, putting riffs together, listening to the tapes from the riffs I had put down, and working on solos. I crammed in the front with this tiny little flying V [guitar] trying to write stuff. I just knocked them out. I think having all those hours of putting it all together, between that and the lyrics and going to the Power Station here in Florida; there's a great studio. We didn't do the whole 'record-at-home' thing this time around. We actually went into the studio and knocked it out. Jim [McCourt] did all of his drums in two days. I did all of my rhythm guitar tracks, like 48 tracks of rhythm in two days. We were just like a machine. We did a little pre-production and we just knocked it out. I'm just surprised, totally surprised how being determined to get that done, how it came out." On what he hopes people will get out of listening to SATANS TAINT: Bobby: "They will definitely recognize the playing and the sound because I've heard that from people that they recognize me instantly from the sound and the riffs and just the style, which I think is great. I think the song itself [first single/video 'Desecration'] is a good indication of what the rest of the album is like. There's a lot of varying songs, like tempos and stuff like that, they're all different and individual, but they all have a common thread. And this song just seemed to be one that would be a perfect example if you do like this, then you're 99 percent going to like the rest of the album." On what SATANS TAINT "brings to the table": Bobby: "I can only rely on myself. That's all I can bring. The songs that I write, the style that I like, that I have. People have asked me for years to put music out again. They miss the old-school, they miss the thrash. I said, 'Okay, I'll write songs and we'll see where it goes.' That's the hard part. Even when it comes to the band's name, so much stuff has been done and taken, it's hard to be original. There's a lot of new bands that are out now. Now bands that are 30 years old are coming back out. There's a lot of competition out there. It's hard to be original and not do something that's kind of goofy." "Destruction Ritual" was released August 2 via Megaforce Records. In addition to Gustafson's signature sound and razor-sharp riffs, "Destruction Ritual" features various friends and musicians with whom Gustafson has worked and whose work he has admired. The new release includes contributions from longtime drummer Jim McCourt and singers Dan Ortega and Paolo Velazquez. SATANS TAINT was formed in 2014 in South Florida by Gustafson, who was also a featured player and performer with CYCLE SLUTS FROM HELL and SKREW. SATANS TAINT's debut, "Axe To The Head Of My Enemies", was released independently in 2017. Gustafson joined OVERKILL in 1982 and played on the group's first four albums — "Feel The Fire" (1985), "Taking Over" (1987), "Under The Influence" (1988) and "The Years Of Decay" (1989) — before departing in 1990 amid growing tension between him and OVERKILL bassist D.D. Verni.

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