ex-RATT guitarist dies, RAMONES bassist found dead

I knew that Dee Dee Ramone croaked, didn't know about Robbin Crosby though. Woah!

Here's what Metal Sludge said about it:

Within the last 24 hours the world has lost Dee Dee Ramone and now Robbin Crosby. The Ramones and Ratt didn't share that much in common other than being seperated by a few other "R" artists in the music bins worldwide. The Ramones came from NYC and played punk rock, pure, raw and simple. If it wasn't for these greasy looking, converse wearing punks, there would be no Green Day, no Offspring and KROQ wouldn't have a format today. Ratt was from Hollywood, and helped define early 80s sleaze metal that became "our" era. The early years of RATT had Robbin firmly accepting the role of band leader, he was even nicknamed "king" by friends Motley Crue while they steam rolled nearly all the competition together.

What can we say but reporting this stuff sucks. We like to poke fun, ridicule and rip on anything that moves in music. Because that is in true Sludge fashion. However, when it comes to death it's not really funny anymore. Unless of course it would be Sadaam Husein or Osama Bin Laden. No such luck. Dee Dee it appears has died of an accidental drug over dose, while Robbin has lost his long battle with AIDS.

As sad as it is to say, both of these deaths can somehow be linked to drugs. The same can be said about Layne Staleys recent death. Everyone wanted to jump up and say, "wait for the autopsy reports." Who needs to wait around for a confirmation for something that half the music world had known for years. Layne was a heavy user of the "big H" and so was Robbin. It also appears that Dee Dee was in the same boat. Sure there will be a few who point out this comment from Sludge and tell us we have no compassion. We know it's time to morn, but reality is right in our face once again. Let's not ignore the horrible truth here. And that truth is....that drugs suck bad! Really bad.

Metal Sludge would like to send out our sincerest sympathy to friends, family and fans worldwide.

Metal Sludge rocks! :rock: