example of an awesome raw guitar track?


Legendary Member
Feb 16, 2009
Gothenburg, Sweden
Could someone post an example of a raw rhytm guitar tone, that sounds really good in the mix. And give info on cab etc

would like some comparison


i mean RAW guitar tracks, with only guitars that have not been mixed yet

'Awesome' is really relative to the individual...these are guitar tones that I really like, you'd be surprised how many guitar tracks are on the internet, just search for bands with tones you like with 'guitar only' or 'guitar stem' or something along those lines and I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for. In terms of equipment used I really have no idea but like I said, with a little searching you'll probably find the answers you want
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Could someone post an example of a raw rhytm guitar tone, that sounds really good in the mix. And give info on cab etc

would like some comparison


i mean RAW guitar tracks, with only guitars that have not been mixed yet

You and I are on the same mission man. Did a thread on this a couple of days ago. Unfortunately, I think most of the stems that are showing up here and there are after the fact, not before processing.
Same with the machine head song. Kinda crazy how little effort was put into making it flow decently.
But I guess it doesn't matter coz the drums/bass/vox mask it.
These stems don't give you much of an idea of how the guitars were recorded. They are all multiple guitar tracks with post processing. I wouldn't worry about chasing other recordists' sounds anyway. They are tracks that work for that particular band, for that particular song, in that particular mix. Focus on your own tracks. Figure out what is missing and find a way to capture it. If something is there that doesn't serve the purpose of the song, get rid of it. I may sound flippant, but if you have a half-way decent guitar, amp, mic and pre, you should be able to capture tracks that work for you.
yea but im not wanting to compare the actual tone, just the recording quality, if that makes sense, and the overall character of a good recorded tone that fits into a mix nicely later
yea but im not wanting to compare the actual tone, just the recording quality, if that makes sense, and the overall character of a good recorded tone that fits into a mix nicely later

This. I noticed that there's some kind of confusion when asking about access to raw, unprocessed guitar tracks. A lot of people think it's because you want to copy the artist's tone while in fact, it's just to get the proper point of reference, quality and frequency-wise, so that you don't have to process/eq as much down the line.
This. I noticed that there's some kind of confusion when asking about access to raw, unprocessed guitar tracks. A lot of people think it's because you want to copy the artist's tone while in fact, it's just to get the proper point of reference, quality and frequency-wise, so that you don't have to process/eq as much down the line.

Couldn't agree with you more.

This is especially true if you're a DIY type, like me, who hasn't heard a lot of professional grade isolated guitar tracks. Hearing these in the vids that were posted was really an eye-opener, even if they were heavily post processed.
Couldn't agree with you more.

This is especially true if you're a DIY type, like me, who hasn't heard a lot of professional grade isolated guitar tracks. Hearing these in the vids that were posted was really an eye-opener, even if they were heavily post processed.

I'm in the same boat as you, i.e. DIYer. To me, since this is the Andy Sneap forum, the freaking motherload would be if he had the permission to post a short 15-30 seconds raw rythm guitar track from Tempo Of The Damned.

No, I take that back, that would be second best. The mother of all motherload for me would be the raw tracks from the original Bonded By Blood album. The true raw tracks, not stems a la Guitar Heroes. Goddamn I would be in heaven with these.
I'm in the same boat as you, i.e. DIYer. To me, since this is the Andy Sneap forum, the freaking motherload would be if he had the permission to post a short 15-30 seconds raw rythm guitar track from Tempo Of The Damned.

No, I take that back, that would be second best. The mother of all motherload for me would be the raw tracks from the original Bonded By Blood album. The true raw tracks, not stems a la Guitar Heroes. Goddamn I would be in heaven with these.

Well there are a ton of good sounding live tapes out there from the Baloff era, so that should give you an idea of what the raw tracks would have sounded like.