Exclusive ICED EARTH PPUSA IX Interview Posted!

Haha, it's cool. I just thought it was funny. Great interview - I also enjoyed hearing Jon's perspective on the whole Pyramaze/Matt re-joining Iced Earth situation.
Cool interview ... nice job, Zod. I learned a few things reading that .. good job delving into the Barlow/Pyramaze/Iced Earth thing.
Thanks. Unfortunately Jon was doing a full day of press. I only got 27 minutes from him, when I was assuming I would get more like 45. I had planned my questions out in a particular order. Unfortunately, most of the time was spent asking the more basic questions that you typically begin an interview with. Consequently, I didn't get to some of the more interesting/unique questions I had planned.

Did you tell Jon that he should axe Jim Morris as his co-producer? ;)
I had planned to ask him if he could ever see himself working with another producer, but ran out of time. As I noted, because I tried to cover some of the bigger things, I didn't get a chance to ask, what I felt, were some of the more interesting questions.
