Excuse my ignorance, but could you please answer my questions about Metamorphosis?


Sea of Tranquility
Nov 1, 2001
I happen to be a big fan of Zero Hour and I really like TTOA a lot. I haven't heA few months ago, when I was visiting The Laser's Edge site to purchase some CDs, I came across Metamorphosis but upon reading that it was their "demo" I never bothered to check it out. I thought it was one of those CDRs or something. Then a few days ago I was at a friend's place and I was pleased to see Metamorphosis among the other albums he'd picked up recently. I checked it out and was surprised to see a brand new album! I borrowed it and have been playing it constantly since. Wow - this is amazing! I might even say that I like it better than Avarice, but time will tell of course. Anyway two things boggled my mind. First, is this a real studio album which the band composed after Avarice or just a re-recorded version of their first ever demo? Second, if the latter, does the band think of employing such keyboards again on their forthcoming releases? I don't want to sound like some fanboy, but I think the keyboard work is some of the best I've heard in prog metal in years. He's very well balanced in the mix and his soloing is outstanding!

If this was just a demo, how come the guys have achieved such amazing level of technical prowess when they weren't even signed to a label yet? The singer has got to be one of the best singers I've heard. He is phenomenal. Of course the music itself slays as well, but I believe the singer is just the final element that neatly complements everything.

So feel free to comment. Thanks!
To answer your questions:
First Metamorphosis is a full studio album that was recorded before Towers of Avarice. Metamorpphosis is a re-issue of their Self Titled Demo CD that they self produced around 2,100 copies of back in 1997. It was not re-recorded or remastered for the re-issue. The original S/T release was around 48 mins long so with the re-issue 4 tracks were added, 2 demo tracks and 2 never before released tracks to make it a more full lenght CD. So yes its pretty much their first ever demo with the only diffrence being 4 new songs, new artwork and packaging and the fact that its on a label (Sensory Records). The bonus and demo tracks aren't new recordings either, they were done the same time as the original tracks were but the band ran out of money so they were not included on the S/T Demo.

Second, No the band will not return to the keyboard sound that you hear on Metamorphosis. The reason the CD doesn't sound like most demos is the reason it is so well received. The band spent lots of time and money making the CD. They are perfectionists and do not sell themselves short. They are all about the quality of the music.

If you want more info on the S/T demo cd check out the webpage. Lots of reviews and stuff about it. http://www.zerohourweb.com

Thanx for checking out and liking their CD's. And for the record you its ok to souns like a fanboy.......all the ZH fans are awesome and we welcome any and all questions, cause after all thats what this forum is for!!

I am sure after the holidays are over Jay or Troy will reply to your questions and fill in any blanks in my reply.

Bob "Buddah"
Mezarkabul - as Buddah says - his words are wisdom of the Zero Hour. They are releasing a new album "early" next year. Yes, the vocalist is great, as are the whole band. They are good, aren't they? Jasun and Troy being brothers have played together for a long time. Mike Guy has been with them for a pretty good while, then Eric has been there for a good while now , too. So, they seem to have a great thing going, huh?