Exhumed/Ingrowing - Split

Exhumed/Ingrowing - Split
Obscene Productions – OBP070 – 00/03/06
By Sam Brokenshaw


A split EP will always be a tale of two halves, the latest from Exhumed/Ingrowing being no exception. Bonus points must be awarded for the medium in which this EP is presented, a mini-cd! Mini-grind! OK, now I've gotten that out of my system we can be objective. The Exhumed side of the split is rather strange in that it has one full length regular track and two shorter grind tracks. Whilst I can see what the band were doing, the Napalm Death cover obviously has to be short anyway, this makes for a slightly unbalanced overall feel. Nevertheless, the three tracks on offer here are pretty damn solid efforts in their own ways. Something Sickened this Way Comes kicks off the proceedings with a mixture of styles between the earlier Carcass material and the Heartwork era melodicism that works nicely. Track two would quite easily work on an earlier Nasum album, and that's no mean feat. The Napalm Death cover rounds out side one with a glorious blast of guttural vocals and guitar abuse. Overall Exhumed do well here, celebrating their love of gore and grind in fine fashion. It sounds like Carcass but so what, it's done bloody well. Terrible pun intended.


Side two features a band I'm not familiar with. I think Ingrowing must be a Czech band but the lack of biographical info leaves me clueless, maybe someone can enlighten me. Ingrowing are a very competent mix of out and out blasting and memorable death metal riffs with vocals coming from a rather more shrill direction, in fact you're left wondering about the state of the poor mans testicles by the end. Ingrowing's three tracks each have their own charms and show some neat variation that never gets boring or cliched, which is a mammoth feat for a death/grind band these days. Kudos is in order for these mystery men, certainly fans of the genre will likely have to change their underwear by the time the last track rumbles out and unleashes a salvo of armour piercing riffage. Overall the production is very good on both sides of the split, being reasonably clear but also dank and smelly as all good death metal and grindcore should be. My fellow grinders be advised, pick this one up before it passes into the realm of history.


Overall: 7/10

UM’s Review Rating Scale

Exhumed Website
Obscene Productions Website