Exodus Attack! Mah's adventure!

Super Mahrio

Deeply Horrible Person
Apr 30, 2003
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My adventure unfolds! we get to the city no prob as usual but there is an unnatural heatwave going on and it was fucking hot! we lugged our luggage all the way up Market Street to our hotel...after the annoying long process of checking in, Brandon took a break and chilled in the room as Sean and i went to meet Reuben at Ameoba...we get there and well..WOW! its a huge fucking store! ive never been there before and was very overwhelmed by the size! i found the Opeth DVD for 12 bucks and Sean got a bunch of other cds (testament, death angel, bloodbath ep, etc.)..Reub shows up and we kick it for a while there and golden gate park which was right there...

LOOK! the jewfro got bigger!

Reub had to get home for his college interview thing (sadly Isabel couldnt come hang out..she had a play or some deal at school) we went back to the room and showered and changed to get the MUNI stank off us and Reub calls and sez we go eat at Big Nates...his mom picks us up and gives us a lift to the Big Nates (lol!!! enough with the mom jokes Maximus:p)..we eat!

after that we go to the dna lounge and wait for the doors to open...we met up with Deadly Embrace, Metalmaiden and Vic Rattlehead from the Testament board...they and their crew left to go eat and we waited...Reub was a sad panda for he couldnt get in :(:( but he hung out and stuff...after the doors opened Reub went home :(...we get in and chill and start the drinking lol! after awhile, Deadly Embrace comes back.....;) and well....eeeeeehhehehehe...ill just let the pictures tell that part of the tale :D :headbang:




to be continued.....
he sure does! anyway for the rest of the tale...;)
after that excursion i was introduced to several other different bay area metal folks just hangin out having a good time...and...

Mark from DEATH FUCKING ANGEL!!!! :worship:
also former Vio-Lence members were chilling upon there as well..
after awhile and many drinks, the band finally came on stage!! i was in front for a while, like the first two songs..here are the shots i got from that before i got owned and had to move!



the guitar's name is Louise..;)

RAWR! then people started climbing on me and shit so i went upstairs and chilled up there for the rest of the show...


after Exodus's UBER long set playing all of the new record and some old stuff like Bonded By Blood and a cover of AC/DC's Dirty Deeds, we made our way out..but during the show, i found a Smyth lurking nigh! (that pic is in another thread ;)) He remembered me! he gave me a hug and was really nice! (Metalmaiden didnt believe he was there and i had to bring her down and show her..lol!) a bit later on, Sean went down and said hi to Steve and stuff...

we took a cab back to the hotel and slept...i woke up this morning in pain and hung over lol! but it was worth it! i was out of the camera webcast range for the entire show so thats why you guys couldnt see me...
Nice pics my dear! Great to see you better....and glad you had a great time. You're a doll!

Got any more pics?

Please? The to be continued thing...leads me to believe YOU'VE GOT MORE!

yeh, i especially dont care for blues or country haha. i like a little trash, but not too much. more like death/thrash like the haunted or testament - the gathering. many call Death progressive thrash or whatever and im a big Death fan...but the whole 'bay area thrash' thing doesnt really interest me at all.