Exodus/Napalm Death

Mar 4, 2002
Has anyone gone to the Monsters of Mayhem tour with Hatebreed headlining? I went with my bro soley for Exodus and one of the things I was looking forward to seeing was the diversity in the fan bases. There were a LOT of scene kids there to see Hatebreed, I'm not saying all their fans are like that but they definitely draw that element. One of the funniest concert going experiences I've ever had was seeing those kids with their girlfriends holding their spots up front for Hatebreed, then Napalm Death hits the stage and just start annihilating the place and the looks on their faces is priceless. Some actually started scattering and others just stared in bewilderment. I've only heard a few Napalm Death tunes over the years but they won me over that night. Then Exodus starts to set up for their set and some of the old-schoolers come out of the shadows and get near the stage. Once their set starts there's still a lot kids up front who aren't moving so all the Exodus fans decide everyone is going to mosh whether they like it or not. I was headbanging and screaming like crazy and one of the Hatebreed fans next to me who had been standing still for most of Napalm and Exodus finally got infected with our enthusiasm and he was banging his head by the end of the set. I can only imagine what that Suicidal and Queensryche tour must've have been like.

We left after Exodus' set and were able to get pics with Barney and Mitch from Napalm Death and Gary and Rob. I don't have much experience with bands outside of meet and greets but these guys were so fuckin cool and down to earth. They were very gracious and appreciative of our compliments and chatted with us for a few minutes.
