EXODUS VS Pearl Room Security

funny stuff. As much as I love wild shows....I am sick of stage divers and crowd surfers. I hate getting kicked and stuff. Worse now is all the hardcore kids who do that karate stuff in the pit. I miss the days of the simple circle pit where you were not getting run into.

I am also not a fan of the security at the Pearl Room either.

THat show looked packed though...anyone go to it?
I remember Danimal posting here that he was going to go.

It's cool that the band stuck up for the kid, and took a stand against a rough security guard.

On the other hand, the security is there for a reason.
A policy is a policy. And I think stage diving is not permitted.

What would have happened if the kid was not caught and cracked his head open? The Pearl Room would have been served with legal papers faster than you can say "Uh oh!" Could have been the beginning of the end for the club. Don't mean to sound like an old fuddy duddy........
that is why I hate people and the whole sueing thing. It has turned out society into this paranoid mess. there are so many things that you cant do now because fear of lawsuits. Sure it is alright if someone is neglectful and gets hurt...but there should be a legal disclaimer saying that the club is not held responsible for injury. Then again...this would open the doors for fights and security just beating people.
Security can be dicks. No doubt about it.
When I was much younger in high school, I crowd surfed at a show at the Metro.

Next think I knew, I felt a very STRONG arm around my neck, pulling me down to the floor. A very muscular security guy escorted me off the floor, walked me down the first flight, and then pushed me down the main flight of stairs. I did not get hurt, and pretty much left it at that. I do recall that I had taken my shirt off and gave it to the people I was with, so I had to stand outside the Metro waiting for the show to be over to get my shirt back!

Regardless, rules are rules for a reason.
No club wants to get shut down.

I think we can all list dozens of clubs that we know that have gotten shut down for fights, stage diving, moshing, drugs, weapons, gang activity, drinking, etc, etc..

If you were the owner of a club, you would strictly enforce these rules as well....

Granted, this certainly does not give the security dudes a free pass to abuse their authority.

I was not at the EXODUS show, and don't know if the security was being rough with the kid.
I talked to John from Eden's Fall about the show the other day, and he told me all about this...funny story too. Although, what they left out of the video & the Blabbermouth posting is that right AFTER Exodus made nice with management & continued the show, the band made another announcement to the crowd that they think the Pearl Room is the best venue in all of North America (of that size I'm assuming) & they look forward to playing it on every tour they've done & will do.

Now that is cool...especially considering what happened!! :kickass:
I talked to John from Eden's Fall about the show the other day, and he told me all about this...funny story too. Although, what they left out of the video & the Blabbermouth posting is that right AFTER Exodus made nice with management & continued the show, the band made another announcement to the crowd that they think the Pearl Room is the best venue in all of North America (of that size I'm assuming) & they look forward to playing it on every tour they've done & will do.

Now that is cool...especially considering what happened!! :kickass:

Pearl Room is a great venue, but the worst location.
I posted something about this on my bands forum and like I said there, I have alot of respect for what Exodus did for that kid. Dragging a 15 year old kid out in a choke hold is completely uncalled for. I understand the concerns after what happened to Dimebag, but that was an extreme situation. I have always had a problem with the security at Pearl Room, some of the guys are ok but there are a few that are nothing more than thugs. They look at their job as an excuse to get to hurt people, it's bullshit and it's always the same ones.
I think the security at the Pearl Room does have its moments, last Powerfest I though they were total dicks to people. However some of the shows that I’ve been to recently I was surprised they actually let people mosh as they just stood to the side of the pit and looked out for anyone falling down or getting hurt, that was cool. Also, there’s a huge sign at the side of the stage that says something like “If you stage dive you WILL be thrown out”, so everyone knew not to do that.
Now granted taking a kid out on a chokehold is total abuse and total bullshit, but if that kid had cracked his head open the Pearl Room has a lot more to lose than just “Cred” by having a band call them out.
They look at their job as an excuse to get to hurt people, it's bullshit and it's always the same ones.

Yeah, that is certainly a problem.
Just like cops, some security definitely "abuse" (Literally) their authority.

No need to put a kid in a choke hold.
Grab him by the arm I can see, but not where if a wrong turn is made, a neck can snap!

(Sorry, but the chorus to PRONG'S - "Snap Your Fingers Snap Your Neck" just popped into my head... :headbang:)
We had problems at BB Kings with security throwing out kids for headbanging and screaming taunts at us like "y'all should be in church" while they were physically pushing us out of the venue 2 minutes after the show was done. I'm not exagerating. Go figure they only do that for non-thrash shows (that was Rotting Christ. From what I hear, they let the Exodus crowd do whatever they wanted).

Some venues are just like that. Depends on the security there and what kind of venue the place is.
The House of Blues in Chicago is notorious for being dicks about shoving people out after the show and being rude in general to the people there, at least in my experience. Last time we went there to see Opeth... The show was great. But The House of Blues? They sucked. :erk: :(

Nah, that's why they play Demon of the Fall. So all the hardcore kids will mosh and wake everybody up. Then the House of Blues staff just has to push everybody towards the exits with cattle prods.

ah, don't get me wrong, I like Opeth.
I have seen them 2 times.
Both were ok, but don't feel the need to go see em again ever.