Exorcist 4 trailer

It's Exorcist 0, not 4.

The backstage story of this movie is far more interesting than the movie it's self will be. But since this one harkens back to the feel of the first one and not the horrible second and simply not good but better than second third, I'll be seeing it.
this movie will suck, me thinks...
this movie was done in its entirety by director Paul Schrader, FINISHED. the studio sees it and then they get Renny Harlin (hack) to reshoot the entire thing. this just does not bode well if you ask me. but i guess it could be a surprise.
:erk: Read that in last month's Fangoria. Sounds like both of them,especially AVP, might be St. Anger's. DISAPPOINTMENTS! PG-13 for an Alien and Predator movie? C'mon! LOTR had some cool stuff but "humans" weren't being beheaded. However, both creature features have had on the most part strong character roles and their grisly demise was part of the macbre attraction. Almost every horror movie with any major publicity since the Sixth Sense has been PG-13. IMHO, few have pulled it off successfully. I don't need gore but I don't need "trendy". Sometimes you just need a "human" to have his chest burst open or someone saying "You're one ugly motherfucker!".