expert village delivers again


Nov 22, 2008
Linz, Austria

so this is what i get from having subscribed to expertvillage's YT channel after seeing tad donley

a treat for the studious guitar player!
Holy Fuck!
The guitar one was bad but the drumming one was hilarious.
I am crying laughing here.
If you need to adjust your tom with a stick in the middle of your shitty "instruction" video at least redo the fucking thing rather than put it online like that. My 4 year old daughter could do better than this.

This MUST be a piss take.
^ every time I see that guy I almost cry laughing.
This is even better, even the stick wants to get a fuck out!ol
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I hope no one in the world takes these lessons seriously. Where do they get those guys anyway? ?
He kinda reminds me of Jason Schwartzman. Not sure if this is comedy myself but he's hilarious.
Oh man im watching those videos and i cant stop laughing and crying. They are without a doubt experts at making me laugh. Something i dont understand is that some of their videos are pretty serious some photoshop tips look helpful for the newbies but they also have a video on how to draw a bbq rib that looks like a dump i mean what the hell is going on
So I hold the strings and then pick them? Nice inshtructions!

If those guys are trolling, it's incredibly subtle. I don't think I've seen a single video with their tag on it that didn't make me yell at my screen... that HAS to be an accomplishment of some sort.
maybe it's just me, but the hip-hop beats drummer just kinda seems like he's throwing in crazy fills just for the sake of having crazy fills. you know, like he was just playing a groove, and then all of the sudden his mind was like "oh shit, i gotta play a crazy cowbell/tamborine/rack tom sequence."
Someone needs to make a 5 second video called "Advanced Guitar Technique"

Hi, I'm ________, one sweep, end.