External Amplifier EQ's


Sep 20, 2004
This might have been covered sometime eons ago, but since the search function isn't working yet, I might to have to repeat a question already answered, so sorry in advance.

I'm currently looking for an external EQ for use with my preamp (old school Rocktron Pro Gap). I curious as to what you guys suggest to use. 15 bands? 31 bands? Anything special or do you guys just go for the easiet EQ you can find? Any help is welcome and thanks.
No answers cause the answer is ????. At least for me it is. When you cant get your tone by using a certain amp, guitar and cab, adding an eq just confuses the situation and makes it impossible. You just have to get an amp/speaker/guitar situation that gives you what you need.

vile_ator said:
No answers cause the answer is ????. At least for me it is. When you cant get your tone by using a certain amp, guitar and cab, adding an eq just confuses the situation and makes it impossible. You just have to get an amp/speaker/guitar situation that gives you what you need.


Hahahah, yeah. Right after I posted it I realized it was a pretty open ended quesiton. Thanks for the advice though.