External Hard Drives-

really!? maybe if you're using a firewire or thunderbolt external, but surely not USB. Also depends on the speed of your external. A 7200rpm would be a must I guess
I switched mainly so I could use the internal as the direct record drive and the external as a backup. I don't really notice any difference when recording audio but the projects do load faster off of the internal drive. Plus I just feel safer recording to an internal.
Thinking about making the switch to an external so I can easily take projects on tour with me and get work done while I'm out for months at a time instead of getting nothing done.
I run external.
I like keeping my files separate from the harddrive that's running all my programs.
plus it makes it easier to move from one computer to another.
I have a Western Digital firewire drive that's 7200rpm, but to be honest I find my internal drive on my macbook is more stable when recording. Weird.