Extreme sh*t (part 2) (dfhs, gt-8, jpm)...

Drums do sound a little funny compressed or something but not BAD just a little funny. But I think it sounds really good! far from extreme shit. :) I like the guitars.
Sinister Mephisto said:
Drums do sound a little funny compressed or something but not BAD just a little funny. But I think it sounds really good! far from extreme shit. :) I like the guitars.

thanks for the comment man.
I hate mixing and mastering, because I can't do it that well. So when I'm writing a song I'm all pumped up n stuff, but when the song is finished (mixed) I get disappointed.
I think it was a good listen...my only beef would be the structure. It somewhat feels like its just a bunch of riffs put together instead of a "song." Some great riffs though.

I think the thing I don't like the most would be the kick drum. Its too clicky with a huge lack of balls.
I thought it was a pretty cool song, it kept my interest for sure. It did sound a little compressed too like you said though.
actrually i didn't really like the guitar tone that much, it wasnt bad though. i thought the drums were good, the kick could use more oomph. it was a bit over compressed overall. snare seemed a little dry for my taste.
ThatGuitarGuy said:
So you used a Boss GT-8? How did you get it to sound so good? Was it direct or was it miced or? The guitars sound really good.

just straight into my pc.

KeithRT99 said:
actrually i didn't really like the guitar tone that much, it wasnt bad though. i thought the drums were good, the kick could use more oomph. it was a bit over compressed overall. snare seemed a little dry for my taste.

yeah you're right man!
Next time I'll try to do it differently.
ThatGuitarGuy said:
I think it was a good listen...my only beef would be the structure. It somewhat feels like its just a bunch of riffs put together instead of a "song." Some great riffs though.

I think the thing I don't like the most would be the kick drum. Its too clicky with a huge lack of balls.

:p Funny, that's the thing i like the most of all.. the kick sounds really tight to me, fear factory style!

Anyway.. i think the guitars sound pretty cool, but i do think they sound just a bit muffled, if you know what i mean?

Snare cuts right through, very cool...

Is there bass guitar in there? i cant seem to hear one, or is it mixed in really low?

You know, i love the synths used... really nice atmosphere, and the peacefull stuff around 4:30 is great... like said before, it does feel a bit structure-less... but then again, this could simply be your style...

Last thing, amazing riffage! the solo's as well. very talented.. this song must have take a lot of time eh?
yeah, in regards to the guitar tone. I'm impressed because its that unit direct. There is better tone out there, but I didn't think it sounded bad.

I'm planning on getting a GT-Pro along with a Mesa/Boogie 2:100 Tube Power amp so hopefully that'll get the tone I want = )
was the compression pumpnig during mixdown, or just after the mastering? If it started after teh mastering, try to use two limiters instead of one, the first one just takes care of incident peaks and brings the level up a bit, and the second limiter slams it and get the level as loud as you want. I didnt think it made much of a difference- untill i tried it ! Definately soemthing worth trying.
Black neon bob said:
:p Funny, that's the thing i like the most of all.. the kick sounds really tight to me, fear factory style!

Anyway.. i think the guitars sound pretty cool, but i do think they sound just a bit muffled, if you know what i mean?

Snare cuts right through, very cool...

Is there bass guitar in there? i cant seem to hear one, or is it mixed in really low?

You know, i love the synths used... really nice atmosphere, and the peacefull stuff around 4:30 is great... like said before, it does feel a bit structure-less... but then again, this could simply be your style...

Last thing, amazing riffage! the solo's as well. very talented.. this song must have take a lot of time eh?

hej thanks for the comment man.
yeah there's a bass, but I'm not so good with mixing it though hahah...I need alot of practice, so next time it will be better I guess!

Nebulous said:
was the compression pumpnig during mixdown, or just after the mastering? If it started after teh mastering, try to use two limiters instead of one, the first one just takes care of incident peaks and brings the level up a bit, and the second limiter slams it and get the level as loud as you want. I didnt think it made much of a difference- untill i tried it ! Definately soemthing worth trying.

wow never tried that. I'll try it right away!
InnerCircle said:
hej thanks for the comment man.
yeah there's a bass, but I'm not so good with mixing it though hahah...I need alot of practice, so next time it will be better I guess!

That's one thing a lot of people do even in pro stuff these days, is the bass seems to be mixed real low, the bass should have some character and cut through the mix more imo, and not just give foundation to the guitars.
cobhc said:
That's one thing a lot of people do even in pro stuff these days, is the bass seems to be mixed real low, the bass should have some character and cut through the mix more imo, and not just give foundation to the guitars.

100% agreement going on here... :p

I think you should look at it like cobhc said, give the bass some character... im really believe you want the drums and bass to really work with each other, and let them be the foundation you should work from... not the other way around...

Still lovin the riffs :headbang:
Ismar you'd let me hear teh song from hell in the weekend but you didn't send it to me, now i dont like you :p

Nah just kiddin. Guitar tone is a TON better that you had before this. The bass could be better, cutting through the mix, drums sound killer especially the snare. About the song, it's very different than i ever heard from you and i like it a LOT, keep at it ;)
ThatGuitarGuy said:
What exactly did you do to make the guitars sound as good as they do? I know you recorded it direct. When I've messed with a gt-pro it didnt souund THAT good.

eehh maybe it's just a good patch?
there're 4 tracks for the rhythm...

1a panned 100% to the left
1b panned 100% to the right
2a panned 80% to the left
2b panned 80% to the right
That's a pretty decent sound I think. I'm particularly impressed with your GT-8 sound. I've got one of those, but never had as much luck getting good direct recorded sounds. Through my power amp I love it, but for direct recording I have more luck using a POD.

Care to share some settings perhaps?