Extremely talented metal/thrash guitarist looking for a band.

that one guy

You know, that one guy.
Dec 1, 2008
Murrieta, California
I'm 16 years old, and I've been playing for 5 years now. I'm extremely talented and can quickly adapt to a band's unique style. I live in Murrieta, California so if you're in my general area (nowhere too far away preferred) please contact me via this forum. I can and will be commited to a practice/rehearsal schedule. And if you're really wondering if I look like a metal guitarist, I do, long hair, tight jeans, leather jacket, you get the idea. Below is a link to an old video of mine that I put on youtube a while back, showing a little of what I was capable of back then, and I've only gotten better since. I'm not a flashy guitarist, so don't think that I only do sweep arpeggios and play as fast as I can all the time. I don't smoke weed or do any other drugs or drink in excess, I'm down to party though, haha. Metal on.

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