Eyehategod - Confederacy of Ruined Lives

Dec 21, 2003
Sudbury, Canada
Eyehategod - Confederacy of Ruined Lives
Peaceville Records - 2001
By Adam McAuley


A bluesy, down-tuned beast of an album is delivered in the form of Confederacy of Ruined Lives and makes for some fun to be had with what the band has to offer. They approach the songs with this sort dirty vibe and it actually gives them a distinctive flavour for the most part which is very welcome to my tastes which usually consist of large doses of traditional, thrash and death metal. The album may not impress everyone as much as I dig the sound, however, as we can see very drudgy kind of sound that should impress a specific type of listener more than others.

Eyehategod have a manner of delving into their moody pastures and evoke a sort of concentrated reaction from the listener. The stuff here is quite powerful, but the heaviness of the riffs isn’t necessarily what catches your eye, but rather the might they have inside them. There’s also a sick groove that tends to bring you into the scope of the stuff quite well as they push you into different directions trying to keep your attention. The pacing of the work is between slow and mid-paced, allowing the guitar to sink in as much as possible. The album does slow down a little on “.001%”, but keeps up a decent momentum throughout. Vocally, the album keeps the grimy nature to be found with the riffs and does a good enough job complementing what’s to be found.

Overall, I find the band very similar to Soilent Green in nature and both outfits are capable of bringing a slightly unique style to the table in the most potentially interesting manner possible. The only problem with the disc is that it bogs down a little bit and as mentioned before the style isn’t necessarily the most appealing thing in the world though it is effective in its bluesy approach to metal.

Official Eyehategod Myspace
Official Peaceville Records Website