Eyes of Eden - Faith


makes you eat dead things
Aug 21, 2007
grendel's mothers cave
Eyes of Eden - Faith
Century Media Records Ltd - CM77711-2 - 2007
By Axemaiden


Those of you familiar with the work of Waldemar Sorychta will be aware of his involvement and musical influence on bands such as Lacuna Coil, Moonspell, Tiamat, The Gathering, Therion and Samael in which he has played roles varying from producer (in the case of Lacuna Coil especially) to track co-writer for many of the bands. This is however, his first involvement as member of a group as well as the band producer for a long while and its damn good to see him displaying his musical talent in a playing sense again, considering the last acts he was involved with in this manner were Despair, Voodoocult and Grip Inc. in what seems like an age ago!

Faith is the first album released by Eyes of Eden and features the talents of Franziska Huth on vocals, Alla Fedynitch on bass, Tom Diener and Gas Lipstick on drums and Waldemar Sorachta on guitar. The album is very impressive and surprisingly extremely original, despite the fact that Waldemar is well known for his musical preferences and his involvement with many musical acts. The overall style of this release bears similarities to many of the aforementioned groups, but retains its own individuality; being a complex blend of grandiose orchestral effects, powerful thrash riffs, potent and strangely exotic drumming and haunting yet powerful vocals which thankfully steer clear of the somewhat overused operatic goth pattern and seem to follow the drums with an unusual, almost eastern sounding blend of harmonies, which is present on many of the tracks, for example, 'Winter Night', 'When Gods Fall' and 'Dancing Fire'. These are by far the best songs on the album, but this isn't to say the rest of it isn't great, because it is well worth a listen too, unfortunately however, it doesn't look like the band are touring anytime soon, so you'll just have to make do with this!

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