Eyes Of Ligeia - A Fever Which Would Cling To Thee Forever


Apr 5, 2003
Eyes Of Ligeia - A Fever Which Would Cling To Thee Forever
Paragon Records - PRG-31023 - Sept. 9th, 2006
By Brandon Strader


Eyes of Ligeia are here with their latest, A Fever Which Would Cling To Thee Forever, which is a tasteless foray into doom metal, and a tiny bit of black metal as well. After "The Stillness Fades" finishes its smooth yet often bright ambiance with some extremely over-delayed vocals, the first real song, "The Shadow Out Of Time", begins. Unfortunately, we soon discover that the over-delayed vocals stay the same throughout the album. The screams, if you can hear them amongst the reverb and delay, actually sound great, yet all the effects make it sound like they are going three times within a few miliseconds of each other, which is annoying as heck. It's like the vocalist is screaming over one of those huge PA systems they have on football fields and the sound is echoing all throughout the stadium. Don't worry, the band don't play "We Will Rock You", and the music can be quite grim and heavy at times, yet they don't excersize too much originality apart from the annoying vocals.

"The Shadow Out Of Time" features mid-paced riffs with a little bit of tremolo on a couple notes, and a subtle guitar lead with an extremely soft tone with some kind of effect on it, maybe a lot of reverb... which gives it a tone almost similar to that of a very soft keyboard string sound. There are opportunities for great key changes to be had on this track, yet they are explored minimally, and when a good one is followed they really don't go as far as they could have with it. "A Strange And Firful Presence" starts out with some whistling ambiance, but the heavy guitars soon reenter the music. The song has a few progressions that it uses over and over throughout the song for a full 10 and a half minutes and the riffs are nothing too spectacular nor epic. However, there are some fancy time changes that sound really kvlt and half way through the song, there's a clean electric guitar with a bit of echo on it that really sounds nice and atmospheric. "What The Moon Brings Pt. 2" has identical opening ambiance to the last track, yet the music kicks so much more tail when it begins. Fast tremolo riffs and the first appearance of blastbeats really make this track - in comparison to the others - special. Even the following riffs seem a tad more epic, yet overall the music on A Fever Which Clings To Thee Forever seems like doom lounge music... I mean, if there was a building devoted to doom somewhere of course they'd be playing doom in the lobby. I mean, come on, people.

The kickdrum sound is so ridiculous - not bad, but ridiculous. It sounds sort of like an electronic computerized kick, or as if the drummer is hitting an empty plastic coffee can. The crashes sound fine, and the volumes and tones change noticeably in the sound as to imply that the percussion is not programmed, although the sound of the snare is pretty odd as well. It sounds like it may be wound very tight or something, but it doesn't have any "extra sound" in it, which is good. If what you've heard of the album thus far sounds appealing, you will most-likely enjoy this album. (and maybe some more replays of Black Sabbath!) If not, well... There are plenty of doom bands and albums that have really raised the bar and are much more enjoyable than this one!


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Official Eyes Of Ligeia Website
Official Paragon Records Website