EZ drummer question


mixomatic 2000
Jun 7, 2010
New Zealand
I have only ever tracked real drums so have no experience with programs like Superior or EZ drummer. I had someone last week ask me to insert a click behind a scratch track to jam to at home. I have a copy of EZ drummer lite I got free with my Presonus studiolive so I decided to install it to use the hi hat as the click, no worries.
The issue is the Hi hat/drum track is out of sink with the click in cubase if I have both going at the same time so anything we recorded to the cubase click won't line up with the EZ drummer track. The latency is as low as it can go on the presonus desk. I tried this while using SX3, I have since up graded to 5 but have not had a chance to re try yet.

Any one have any ideas?
I assume the latency would be consistent so why not render the hats as audio then nudge them forward so they line up with the click? You could kill the EZ track completely after this to free up resources.