EZDrummer 2 with Windows XP


Feb 6, 2008
I have been bitterly disappointed to find that EZ2 doesn't work with XP and I don't have too many options about upgrading (far too much money to upgrade specific hardware and software). My Yamaha i88x doesn't support Win7+

I came across a website that discusses changing the .msi file in the installer to allow it to run on XP. It seems fairly straight-forward but was hoping someone could chime in with some experience of this! http://www.muzique.com/news/install-ez-drummer-2-on-windows-xp/

I also only want to upgrade from EZ1 > EZ2 so would the upgrade package still allow me to do this?

For anyone also still using an XP-based computer, this trick works great. I've had EZD2 up and running for a couple of weeks now.