

vote bnp
Feb 13, 2003
Is it me, or does this game look incredibly sexy?




Oh, if you haven't heard of it, it's supposed to be pretty scary too;

"But the real creepiness comes not from big scary monsters, but from a tiny female child. Visions begin happening halfway through the level, showing glimpses of the creepy little child ala The Shining, but things suddenly get considerably worse. After finding a room completely covered in blood and full of various body parts, and having another flash of creepiness with different sound, dizziness, and visual changes, more of the story is revealed.

When this building first came under attack, the government sent in a Delta Force group to take care of the problem. Their fate became obviously clear as they slowly moved through the building. Unfortunately for them, there was something following them. A slowly moving, perfectly paced, and patient child... who just happens to be horribly evil. The first one to die had his left arm explode off of his body in a shower of blood while the next started bleeding from his neck and the last one... well apparently it was bad enough that they didn't really want to show it. All that was shown was the large spray of blood on the walls and twitching legs."

I can't wait for it :D
Tan: Have you seen the Unreal 3 engine? What they currently have gets under 5FPS on a Geforce 6800 Ultra. :lol:

Looks fucking sexy though. Very, very sexy.
Yeah I seen it. Looks pretty damn smart. So, Here's to hoping Unreal 3 will be an improvement on the lacklustre Unreal 2. I am starting to get a little worried that the importance Graphics is rapidly speeding ahead of gameplay in the eyes of the game developers.
The first game on the U3 engine won't be an Unreal/UT game, apprently, although both will be made eventually.

UT2006 will rule. Immensely.
Thing is, its seeming more and more like the game engine is more important than the game itself, and we can leave it to the mod scene to produce the goods. Not that thats a bad thing. Infact, the mod scene is giving PC gaming a healthy boost as far as I can see.
No game can scare me right now..I played Doom 3 on Nightmare from 11:30PM thru 4:20AM and didn't get a twitch in the legs...I got used to scary games and movies when i used to play Doom 1 everytime i came home from elemantary school.
I still remember typing in IDDQD on the keyboard over and over again, on our 386..
AND we still got our 386, and 486 in our barn in the back yard fully working if we wanted to set it up...