

I get this email, I had heard his audition on the radio, three days out of the five that he was on...
I thought it was "okay." I wasn't blown away by his audition... Then I get something like this?! While I wouldn't vote for him, I would feel guilty not doing so.
You know what I mean?! I have no doubt that he is a cool person...
Hello R#@en,
How's it going? Richard Christy here, just writing to
say hey and give you an update on what I've been up to
lately. I auditioned last week for The Howard Stern
Radio show and I had an AWESOME time! It went really
good and it was a dream come true for me! I was just
wondering if you could do me a huge favor and go to
this site:


I would really appreciate your vote for the job! The
voting ends tonight so it's getting down to the wire!
Also, if you could please spread the word on the
internet and to your friends, I would be VERY
thankful! You can also listen to an audio recap of my
on air audition here:


Well, thank you very much for your time R@$en! Thanks
and Take Care!


Richard Christy
I voted for him yesterday. I can only take Stern in small doses as well. If you listen to the whole show everyday, it gets VERY redundant. He rode the same schtick for a very long time and got old. Really, how many nasty, wannabe porn stars have to show you bad boob jobs before you get tired of it?
AngelWitch73 said:
I have no clue about this stuff as I don´t know too much about Howard Stern except I don´t care for his kind of humour.

I don't like him either. He's boring. All of those "skock jocks" are lame.
I saw the ad at the top of the forum, I voted yesterday
Psychonaut said:
I voted for him yesterday. I can only take Stern in small doses as well. If you listen to the whole show everyday, it gets VERY redundant. He rode the same schtick for a very long time and got old. Really, how many nasty, wannabe porn stars have to show you bad boob jobs before you get tired of it?
Yeah, how can you get tired of hot chicks? Well, you can!!!
I think he would make for great TV, when he pulls out from the radio business. A Late Night Variety show, on Saturday Nights or something like that. A different format that what he's doing now.
Morest recntly he's on this FCC & Bush bashing trip. I can't believe how far up Michael Moore's big gigantic ass he is. It's like if he makes a sudden stop his big beak will get broken! Was your vote for Richard the equivalent to a mercy fuck?!:D
sixxswine said:
Beats listening to Mark & Brian!!!!!!:yuk:

Never heard of them. The only other one I can think of is The Grease Man from back in the day when he was a local jock in DC. Now I think he's syndicated.

I only listen to talk radio anyway. Mainly sports.
I would vote, but Stern sucks. Yeah he likes metal and has girls getting naked on his show, but I get tired really quick of his bad homour. He ran out of material years ago and has very little to say that is actually interesting and enlightening.

Bryant said:
He ran out of material years ago and has very little to say that is actually interesting and enlightening.

I don't think anyone listens to him to get the "news" or anything like that. I mean, he's locker room type humor &
it does wear on you after a bit, that's why it's best to be taken in small doses!
sixxswine said:
Well then, I think you're familiar with Jim Rome then?!
What do you think of his show?

I hate the Jim Rome show! I don't hate Jim Rome, he is a very good interviewer and when he's talking to people on the show it's fine, but I can't stomach the morons that call into that show. Plus his "hipper than you" way of speaking is annoying after a couple of minutes. I'm more of a Dan and Dibs kinda guy. :) I used to love the Tony Cornhieser (sp?) show but it's not on around here anymore.