Fair To Midland - Arrows and Anchors


Jul 12, 2005
Seattle, WA
Well, their new cd comes out tomorrow here in the states, but I got my preorder today. I absolutely love it!

Baressi did a fantastic job with the mix and overall production. I love it. The songwriting is amazing, and everything is crystal clear in the mix. Everything works great with each other.


The full album is streaming here today http://music.aol.com/new-releases-full-cds/#/11 but not sure how long it'll be up.

And here's an interview with Cliff about recording. Looks like the wonderful 6505 makes its way on yet another album. :)

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They gained something cool but at the same time they lost some of their previous epicness.

Overall a solid album but fables from a mayfly was a bigger "wow" for me. Maybe this grows in me like fables from a mayfly grew on my gf.

Seems like this one is more digital. That's one thing i actually like in this.

Coppertank island is epic!
Played with these guys a few times. Super cool dudes. Maybe it's because I've been listening to the demos for the last two years but the new recording sounds weird to me. There's something about it that I just don't dig. "A Loophole in Limbo" has been slowed down a few BPM from the demo and it's throwing me off quite a bit. Songs are awesome though. Definitely a huge fan of these guys.
Played with these guys a few times. Super cool dudes. Maybe it's because I've been listening to the demos for the last two years but the new recording sounds weird to me. There's something about it that I just don't dig. "A Loophole in Limbo" has been slowed down a few BPM from the demo and it's throwing me off quite a bit. Songs are awesome though. Definitely a huge fan of these guys.

Totally agree! While I love the album, the first couple of listens threw me for a loop because I was used to the demos as well. Overall it has a different vibe than Fables and sounded kinda strange, but I think it still sounds great in its own regard. They definitely have their own sound, that's for sure!
Rikki Tikki Tavi sounds way better than the demo though. Or actually I prefer the album versions all the way. But then again I've been listening to the demos for only like a couple of months.

EDIT: You can listen to the whole album here: http://kaaoszine.fi/levykuuntelu-fair-midland-arrows-anchors/

(The site is in finnish but I bet you can't miss that player no matter what's your mothers tongue)

I don't know for how long it's gonna be up since it's a "prelisten" thing. And if you have a little nerd in you it's easy do download the songs from there. But i suggest you to buy the record. It's worth the money.
This is killer stuff. These guys are pretty awesome live. The singer is a fucking beast. I don't think a studio recording can properly capture a performance from that guy. He also drools a LOT.
Saw them in Knoxville earlier this year. Their vocalist is an absolute maniac. He would often put the mic in his mouth and flail around like a dolphin. It was fuckin' hilarious. They were great live, nonetheless.

I have a feeling this album, like the previous, will require a few listens for me to 'get' it. I'm digging the production on this so far. Especially those guitars. Although the snare seems a bit buried at times.

The singer is a fucking beast. I don't think a studio recording can properly capture a performance from that guy. He also drools a LOT.

The vocals seem more prominent than they were in the last album, which was much needed. Because the singer is sick.
REALLY liking this album. Hadn't heard this band until this thread. Thanks for sharing!

If you like this album, you should check out their last album "Fables from a Mayfly" ... you're in for a treat! :D

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I could probably dig the band if it weren't for the singer.

Give them a chance and you will learn to appreciate it. To be honest, I hated this band when "Dance of the Manatee" was first played on the radio years ago. Like, couldn't stand them at all. The more I listened, however, the more I learned to appreciate the insane amount of talent he has. Darroh has such an incredible vocal range and is actually able to pull it off live. I have to respect that.
Give them a chance and you will learn to appreciate it. To be honest, I hated this band when "Dance of the Manatee" was first played on the radio years ago. Like, couldn't stand them at all. The more I listened, however, the more I learned to appreciate the insane amount of talent he has. Darroh has such an incredible vocal range and is actually able to pull it off live. I have to respect that.

This! I've seen them live 4 times now, and each time he has never disappointed me! He is an amazing vocalist, both in the studio and live. What's even more impressive is his stage antics and that he's able to pull off some of those vocals while hanging upside down from a piece of the stage. :lol: He has so much energy and they are so fun to watch live.

I too was a bit put off by the vocals and music at first when "Dance of the Manatee" was released years back, but it was only after many listens did I decide to take a chance and buy the album. It was way worth it!