Faith No More & Soundwave


Master Exploder
So they are headlining Soundwave which is awesome, but does anyone know if there is any word on side shows? I think I would rather hit that up than the festival. I would be interested in seeing Clutch and a few others, but am more interested in FNM alone if possible! So, anyone got any info?
Nah I've heard nothing. I'll be going to every show they play in Melbourne, including Soundwave! I'm sure tickets would sell out in a flash though.
I'm wondering about this. I want to see them, but I don't want to go to Soundwave because I have no interest in most of the bands. Does a headline act do a full set at a festival? Could just show up when FNM come on... but not if it's an abbreviated set.

Saw them on the Album of the Year tour anyway, so it doesn't bother me th at much.
Clutch Sideshow sounds like an awesome name for the hero of an action movie. Gotta use it.

"They kidnapped Clutch Sideshow's daughter... now they're gonna pay."