FAITH NO MORE's BILLY GOULD Says Reaction To 'Sol Invictus' Album Has Been 'Too Good'


Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
Kerrang! magazine conducted an interview with FAITH NO MORE bassist Billy Gould at the 2015 edition of the U.K.'s Download festival, which was held last weekend in Donington Park. You can now watch the chat below. A couple of excerpts follow (transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET). On the overwhelmingly positive reaction to FAITH NO MORE's new album, "Sol Invictus": "It's a relief. I mean, you don't know… We've always put out things and we don't know what the reaction is gonna be. But it is nice seeing something that gets [received so well]. I'm kind of wondering when the shoe's gonna drop and somebody's just gonna bash the shit out of this. Like, it's too good, the reaction. But no, it's fine. Great, great." On FAITH NO MORE's future touring plans: "I think there will be some stuff, but we're doing this now in steps. Because one of our big things that we did wrong back in the day was commit to too much all at once. And we found ourselves sometimes in situations that we couldn't… we didn't choose to be in them; we were stuck in them. So we're doing touring in blocks. We finish a block and we're, like, 'How do we feel?' We check in with each other. If we feel good, we do some more. And that's kind of how we're doing it. I think it's way more civilized. I can't say, 'Oh, yeah, we'll be on tour all next year.' But I would hope we can." On the making of "Sol Invictus": "It's weird, because it is a long period of time [between albums]. It's almost like that whole period of time, really, was necessary to get to where we got to make this. As frustrating as it was at times… What we have is kind of a product of that. And none of us forced the process; we kind of really took pains to make it come together as naturally as possible. I think you can hear that when you hear the music. But it was really against any kind of sense of how a band should be. I mean, you can't wait ten years [in between albums] and [then] release it and it's horrible. We really needed to [take our time with it]; we had to do that. That's our story, you know?!"
