Fans of Pelican's 'Australasia' listen up . . .

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
Has the band Capricorns been discussed around here?

They have a new CD on Rise Above, and this is the first time I've heard them. They are quite excellent, and they remind me of Pelican's 'Australasia'. Not a clone or anything like that, though.

Neither of those Myspace songs are near as good as the song I heard on a Terrorizer 'Fear Candy' CD.
They're much dirtier than Pelican, and better. I read someone depict their stuff as a crossover between Keelhaul, Growing and the Melvins. And I sure agree, blind purchase material.
Ellestin said:
They're much dirtier than Pelican, and better. I read someone depict their stuff as a crossover between Keelhaul, Growing and the Melvins. And I sure agree, blind purchase material.

hella sold
J. said:
actually i do want to hear it. where can one find it?

The only place I can find it is at Rise Above, and they are out of the UK. So it's about $18 to get it to the US.

Candlelight distributes Rise Above in the US, and I've emailed them asking when it will be released in the US. I've also emailed Rise Above about that as well.

I'll try to keep you updated.

In the mean time, hears the song that got me interested in these guys.
This album makes the top 15 easily , and should be entering top 10 in the days to come. The songwriting is bloody amazing and the production is unique , heavy and clear , between a stoner and a math-rock album's .

Thanks Nate :worship: