Fans of the Illiterate - read and weep

this is too sad but also good not to share.

lack of knowledge is certainly no impediment to progress in federal service; case in point.

my pal monica sent out an email to a few friends requesting encouragement because she's been frustrated professionally at work, just a kind of "guys, give me a few laughs here because this place sucks."

here's the reply from Patrick, a GS-12:
Ditto to what Tina is saying. You can do it Moni, its been fullfilling watching you endeaver and sore.

i'm working on a bill in the senate/assembly regarding the 'disposition of remains' and this bill is over 10 years old... everyone in our legal department knows all about it. yesterday i got an email from the director (the psycho) and the subject line was 'dispossitionation of reminds bill'
i assumed that was an open invitation for me to not read the email.