Fantasy litterature

Apart from Tolkien..of course...I too love the Dragonlance books. Alot of BG fans do I guess as they voted for them to write a song based on them for Night at the Opera... The Soulforged was the result!
I am also into David Eddings and Raymond Feist..have read all their stuff.
personally i like the lord of the rings trilogy by john ronald reuel tolkien. i think it is the best book trilogy out there. it's a masterpiece. it's a HUGE story, and it is so well written.
i love the way tolkien writes.
tolkien is just incredible!
i love the book "silmarillion" as well, but the story is very complicated and difficult. some people will say it is a "heavy" book to read.
I agree The Silmarillion is very difficult to read...I persevered but it took me ages and unlike Lord of the Rings I've never read it again :)
Symphony...what do you think of the Sword of Truth series so mate has just lent me them all...I haven't started them yet
I can't say I read much other than medical textbooks at the moment.

When I get the chance I tend to read horror. Guy N. Smith has written some trashy classics like "Night of the Crabs", "The Undead" and "Throwback".

I even went as far as naming my first band "Black Fedora" after one of his books!!:eek:
Just returning to the "fantasy literature" thread again.....another author worth taking a look at is Elizabeth Haydon. I picked up a book of hers called...wait for it...."Rhapsody" (no prizes for guessing what drew me in!). Needless to say it's not an adventure about Luca and Fabio but it's an interesting read nonetheless!
I neglected to say this earlier but I remembered, so, here goes: I've read the entire serires of "The Chronicles Of Narnia" by C.S. Lewis. Very good too! Did anybody know that he and J. R. R. Tolkien were very good friends? As a side note, I also like the Power Metal band Narnia too!:rolleyes: :D :lol:
yeah. the narnia books are great, and the television serie too!
i must say that i very much enjoy the narnia tv serie. got to love the theme! :D

NP: narnia - trapped in this age :)